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Can't send mail: Sending of message failed. Error writing temporary file.

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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-12-11 05:20
Can't send mail: Sending of message failed. Error writing temporary file.

I have a really urgent problem:

When trying to send mail (regardless from what account) i get the errormessage: "Sending of message failed. Error writing temporary file." I do have enough diskspace, none of the folders is writeprotected.

The problem occured for the first time today, and there is no event that comes to mind that could have caused this. I did not change any options in thunderbird.

Version is: (20081209), running from usb-drive

Who can help?

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-12-11 05:20
Ok, i found out what went

Ok, i found out what went wrong. The admin here at work changed some settings, don't know exactly what, of the antivirusprogram, and it just does not allow me to send mail anymore. On all my other computers it still works as usual. I'll post again if and when i find a workaround, if there is one.

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