The Officially Supported browser of is FireFoxPortable and most are quite happy with it so officially there is no real interest in another at the moment. Is there something that you find lacking in it?
Also, As there are several posts on the subject, chrome, could you indicate what you have tried and what problems you are concerned with,
and Welcome Danial to
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Don't get me wrong.. I love Firefox.
The WebKit browsers seem more lean and mean to me. Arora, QTWeb and Chromium (the open source Chrome) are just alternatives.
I really do like Mozilla, the only thing i have wrong with it is that it sometimes crashes on me. Also, one of my friends does not like Firefox, and wants me to get chrome portable for him.
That never happens to me except when I tried to run Shockwave directly from its apps directory. When does yours crash?
Also, Java, flash, adobe reader, and other plugins don't come with google chrome and i had no way to put java in it (portably) and make it work so i now stick with the fox.
Their is a chrome portable in development know. Its in beta but as far as I could tell it works fine. Here's the link
The Officially Supported browser of is FireFoxPortable and most are quite happy with it so officially there is no real interest in another at the moment. Is there something that you find lacking in it?
Also, As there are several posts on the subject, chrome, could you indicate what you have tried and what problems you are concerned with,
and Welcome Danial to
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Don't get me wrong.. I love Firefox.
The WebKit browsers seem more lean and mean to me. Arora, QTWeb and Chromium (the open source Chrome) are just alternatives.
I like alternatives.
*I need to learn to read before posting*
I see under beta that people are working on it haha
I really do like Mozilla, the only thing i have wrong with it is that it sometimes crashes on me. Also, one of my friends does not like Firefox, and wants me to get chrome portable for him.
That never happens to me except when I tried to run Shockwave directly from its apps directory. When does yours crash?
Also, Java, flash, adobe reader, and other plugins don't come with google chrome and i had no way to put java in it (portably) and make it work so i now stick with the fox.
SRWare Iron: The Browser of the future
Read about it - Whats the difference between Iron and Chrome?
(I came to throw off the calendar of one Mr. Patience...)
Their is a chrome portable in development know. Its in beta but as far as I could tell it works fine. Here's the link