Is it possible to add multiple source directories (not subfolders) to a job. I do IT work and so I like to keep an updated thumb drive loaded with tools and utilities from my computer. I keep them organized into different places on my computer but would like an easy way to sync (and update) them onto my thumb drive in one easy step. If this is not currently supported, are there any future plans to add it?
What is the difference between a directory and a subfolder?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Sorry should have been more explicit. I have directories in different locations on my computer that contain tools that I would like to bring together on the thumb drive. Because they are in different locations, I can't just choose a parent folder and set exceptions on the things I don't want copied. So for instance, I may want the contents of folders in locations such as he following to be synced to the drive:
..\my documents\tools\Disk Tools\
..\my documents\portable apps\
..\my documents\scripts\
Along with other places like:
c:\command line tools\
To avoid duplication on the computer (and to make updating the tools and apps easier) I have each tool only in one place on the computer rather than copying everything to a "thumb drive image" folder which is then synced. So being able to add multiple source "top level" folders and then check/select and uncheck/unselect the desired subfolders under each (since some of my tools aren't always needed on the thumb drive) would be great.
What is the issue with selecting directories in different locations? Is Toucan giving you an error code or otherwise preventing you from doing what you want?
If you can see it from where you sit, you should be able to backup/sync/etc.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Whenever I select one directory for the source and then select another directory it replaces the first one. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? I click on the browse Icon to choose the folder. Should I be using another method to do so?
Seems to allow multiple directories in backup but not sync.
You could investigate command-line jobs that would do a sequence of steps?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
if you set up a number of Jobs you could easily Script them all together.