With the new version of the platform I encountered some problems.
OK, they are concerning only software not from here, but anyway, the problems were not here before.
Some programms do not start when I click on them in the PA menu. When I click on the launcher exe file in its folder all starts fine but not from the menu even it is displaying there. It did start with the previous versions fine.
(example portable pgp java version)
Other programs have lost icons, thight they have icons on the right place in the appinfo, for example wireshark portable.
Are there any changes which can explain this?
Those are usually due to bugs in apps. In Wireshark, within AppInfo, rename wireshark.ico to appicon.ico and it will appear in the menu. In other apps that are kinda in PortableApps.com Format, the easiest thing may be to delete their AppInfo directory until they do a new release that is properly in PortableApps.com Format.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
this was this
I pointed the guys who did the portable pgp to the standards her, they tried to do something as best as they could and the launcher did in the previous menu all it should. Since update to version 1.5.2 the launcher refuses to work.
should I place the few lines of the launcher .nsh so you might see at spot what is wrong?
The portable pgp java is still kind of experimental, I am running some pgp testing on it for compatibility etc, so it is not 100% finish yet, but the installer and launcher was just a quick shot since the authors did not initially include such things in it, it was just zip originally.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Many times I've thought about a portable PGP (or better yet Gnu Privacy Guard) but the idea od having both my public and my private keys on a USB flash drive horrifies me. If I lose the stick then my PGP/GPG keys are accessible to anyone. I don't use GPG very often, only really sensistive info gets encrypted, but no way would I carry those keys around with me.
Chances are he's using a hardware-encrypted drive. Or at least TrueCrupt.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
the strange encrypted drive with need for admin rights to enter the pw.
Use it at home and in the office only so far, so it makes no problem (the admin rights)
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
If the launcher doesn't work, then they messed up the appinfo.ini config. If you'd like to get it working for yourself, delete their appinfo.ini. Or edit it to properly point to their launcher. If you'd like to assist them, just point them to the specs here on the site. They're easy to follow.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
appinfo.ini is:
PublisherPrimiano Tucci - Fabio Gravina
Description=PortablePGP Utility
But I tried to remove it, no cure, the launcher will start the app correctly when clicked on from the explorer, but not from the menu which it did with the previous version of the menu.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland