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Portable only bug Renaming of base FileZillaPortable foldername causes errors

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Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-15 23:13
Portable only bug Renaming of base FileZillaPortable foldername causes errors

I believe this bug is purely with the portable version not the normal filezilla When initially installed the directory name is INSTALL_PATH\FileZillaPortable and everything appears to work fine. If you rename FileZillaPortable to something even as simple as FileZillaPortable2 the program will not connect to ftp sites.

If a dns is used to connect to the ftp site you get this error:
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".
Error: Could not connect to server

If you use an IP to connect you get this different error:
Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:21...
Status: Connection attempt failed with "WSAENETDOWN - System's network subsystem has failed".
Error: Could not connect to server

If you exit out and rename FileZillaPortable2 back to FileZillaPortable it works fine.

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
You have to delete the settings file after renaming ...

... the Appfolder.

Delete Data\settings\filezilla.xml befor starting Filezilla.

Filezilla stores the settings (also the path to the executables) at the end of the session).

BTW: Install Filezilla local an rename the installation folder, the local version will not like it Wink

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Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-15 23:13
deleted data\settings\filezilla.xml, no joy

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that didn't work. I deleted the file and tried it again with the exact same error. I also noticed that if I rename the FileZillaPortable2 to another name filezilla.xml will automatically update line 17 even without being deleted. Any area that might be causing this hiccup?

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
Could be a firewall problem.

I have changed the Name to FileZillaPortable2, start it (second ask from Firewall if FilezillaPortable in the new folder is allowed to connect) no problems to connect.

Please check if Your firewall blocks the "new" App because of the changed folder Wink

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