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Copy Other Than Default Local Profile

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Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-06 15:24
Copy Other Than Default Local Profile

I'm setting up a new Firefox Poratable app on a flash drive and want to make sure that I do so correctly using a local profile other than the default.

Using the instructions on the site, I determined where to look for the Local Profile and found as I suspected two. One of course is called the Default and the other is one which I'll call "Enhanced Basic". I tried copying this profile previously into another flash drive but it did not appear to take.

My supposition is that I may need to copy both profiles into the flash drive per the instructions though that would not be my preference as all I want is the Enhamced Basic.

Could someone walk me through the steps required?



Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-02 19:15
So you want to use the profile of an existing firefox installed

on your hard drive and if you did not specify where you wanted your profile then it would depend on our operating system...

For XP:

Copying Your Local Firefox Settings

If you're using a local copy of Firefox, you may wish to just copy your local Firefox settings right into Firefox Portable. Your local Firefox profile is usually installed in C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\default.???\ After running Firefox Portable once to let it setup its data directories, just copy the contents of that folder (except the cache directories) to the FirefoxPortable\Data\profile directory. Then, and this is important, delete the file FirefoxPortableSettings.ini within the FirefoxPortable\Data\settings directory, if there is one. When you start Firefox Portable for the first time, it's recommended that you turn off disk cache, password saving and history if you're using a flash-based portable device. You can set all of these within the Privacy tab of the Firefox Options window. Sometimes, certain profiles will cause the launcher to fail or hang. It's best to give it a few minutes to see if it's just checking compatiblity and adjusting the locations of the extensions before giving up on it. If it fails, it is usually due to an incompatible extension.

Check this link out as well:

you usually need to find a folder that has a buch of numbers/letters with a .slt after it and do a select all (CTRL+A)>Copy>then paste inside the "Profile" folder on Firefox Portable.

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