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Shortcuts Script

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-03 20:59
Shortcuts Script

I was playing around and I thought of a simple problem that I had, and it was that whenever my flash drive is not in my computer there are still the firefox icons that are associated with firefox portable. If I were to hit refresh on my desktop I would see an ugly icon and that bothered me a little. I created a little python script that I thought might be helpful to people. It tries to detect firefox portable and adds the shortcut in the quick launch and the desktop, but if it cannot find it, it will delete the shortcuts on the desktop and quick launch. It takes a little bit of setting up, but I bet someone can get some use out of it.

This is assuming you have python already installed. (tested with 2.6 and 3)
Add a shortcut to the firefox portable folder and call it firefox.lnk
Then add the file to your startup folder (%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\)
Make sure that the varible foxloc is where your firefox portable folder is(check the drive and the folder name, this is within the python file)
foxloc = "(Firefox Directory goes here)"

Sorry if this was confusing, I have never been able to explain things very well.