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Skype Loader: Simple App To Make Skype Portable (skype.exe NOT included)

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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Skype Loader: Simple App To Make Skype Portable (skype.exe NOT included)

Skype Loader is a very simple application that just runs Skype as a portable app.

This is done by using the official skype.exe switches /removable and /datapath.

You just need to decompress the ZIP folder into whenever you want, and then copy skype.exe from your skype installation folder to the SkyePortable\App folder.


0) Download Skype Loader from here

1) Download Skype from

2) Install Skype to your machine (this is required to get skype.exe application)
(NOTE: technical guys can use universal extractor to extract skype.exe without installing)

3) Extract the whole SkypePortable folder from the SKYPEPORTABLE.ZIP to your desired location, lets asume x:\.

4) Copy skype.exe from c:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\skype.exe to TO x:\SkypePortable\App (folder)


5) Run x:\SkypePortable\SkypeLoader.exe to start Skype in portable mode.


Skype Lodaer is an open source GPL v3 application writen in Lazarus ( language.

It consists mainly on a few lines of code:

[quote]procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var dir: string; command: string; AProcess: TProcess;
dir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GetCurrentDir);
command := dir+ 'app\skype.exe /removable /datapath:"' + dir + 'Data"';
Form1.Label1.Caption := command;
AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
AProcess.CommandLine := command;

Source code is included under Sources folder.

Skype Loader 1.0 by Javier Arce. Dedicated to my mother Lucy.

Released as open source under the GPL v3 or latter license.

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-16 17:56
anyone try this yet?

anyone try this yet?

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-30 12:13

Not this particular one but I have another that does the same thing and it works fine

richard.a's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-05 07:37
Wonder what I did wrong :(

Using Windows2000sp4 which actually has the latest skype installed.

Created /SkypePortable and therein /App/skype.exe (from the installed app which works)

Content of SkypePortable is skypeloader.exe, skypeloader.txt and skypeloader.png, and these were extracted using a proprietory zip/unzip application.

Clicking on the loader causes a momentary attempt to execute something (some sort of window opens for a microsecond and then closes) and then nothing.

It seems to put a typical greyed-out skype icon in the taskbar which vanishes as soon as the mouse touches the taskbar.

Okay the above may be a Windows2000-specific problem.

In Windows XP Pro sp2, in a Compaq Evo D500 (low profile desktop), it works perfectly with the self-test facility.

However in a Toshiba Satellite T1800 laptop running XP Home sp2 the same greyed-out disappearing taskbar icon results.

2nd Edit
So the above may well be installation-specific too.

Same original computer tried on, running another appearance of windows2000sp4, in both cases on plug-in HDD racks mounted physically through a tray fitted in a 5-1/4-inch drive bay. On this one, it works perfectly Biggrin - not much point in trying on any more machines I suspect.

Same computer means not just the same amount of RAM etc, but the same actual sticks of memory on the same motherboard, every testing scenario is reproduced identically. Something I've done for years to ensure meaningful test results.

I'm not sufficiently clued up in how portableapps works to troubleshoot this, I'm afraid. Comments solicited Smile

(Now updated three times)


To save people trouble, I've posted a download of the executable [link removed (Chris summed it up) - moderator PP]

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Chris Morgan
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Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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It looks to me that you've included Skype in your link (I'm judging this by the fact that your link is 24MB, I haven't downloaded it). Sorry, but that's illegal as it's violating its license. Please take this as a friendly warning not to do it again.

(A mod: could you please remove the link?)

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

richard.a's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-05 07:37
Get a mod to remove my post.

As someone has now removed my ability to edit, then so be it.

I would have removed the link if you or someone else hadn't prevented me from doing so.

By the way how about someone actually beta testing this product?

You seem more interested in making people jump through hoops, my friend. Sounds like another thread I saw where you were argumentative.

A product is only as good as the noisiest in its community.

Previously a beta tester of this and other products in your range

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Chris Morgan
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Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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I was intending to get a mod to remove the post, which Patrick has now done.

I'm not so much interested in making people jump through hoops as in people doing things legally - each time people do things like that, there is legal danger to as hosting the links. Sure, I wouldn't ever expect a company to cause legal trouble, but it's better to always be on the safe side.

I presume that you're refering to the SwordBible fiasco. I've already apologised for that as I was in the wrong there. Normally I'm not like that though.

Please don't take offence though, as I was just doing what any other of our team would have done had they noticed it first.

Now it seems as though this thread is diverting also, so let's get back on-topic Blum

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

richard.a's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-05 07:37
My post is still there.

No, my post is still there.

If your attitude is that of PortableApps as a product, then kindly remove it. If the head honcho wishes it to stay, then let it. Kindly read to the end of this post and learn why I have taken this approach out of disgust at your displayed arrogance on (now) two different threads.

You could have PM'd me, rather than hanging out this washing for all to see, like your display on the sword thread.

Did it occur to you that the executable was there purely for testing purposes? Perhaps not.

Did it occur to you that the author of the portable version wanted feedback?

And that some might have been happy to test the product, but would not even try to do what was (to me) the suggested simple way of extracting the executable?

But no, it was necessary to go in boots and all, my brother, and censor the only person apparently doing any beta testing on this product. As iterated above, a PM would have been appropriate.

Did you consider even talking to the folks at Skype about whether they would mind if while testing was in progress, this was done? Perhaps not.

This is supposedly a team. Let me spell that word. T - E - A - M. That is what testing is all about.

A forum is not the place for personal attacks. I would have thought that you as a professing Christian would know that.

I do, and I am one.

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Chris Morgan
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Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Sorry, I meant the link.I am

Sorry, I meant the link.

I am not displaying arrogance here (as I think others will agree). You are getting hot and bothered over my saying the normal thing that is said to people who put up illegal stuff, whether they realise it is illegal or not - the idea being to alert them to it so that hopefully they won't do it again.

There is no PM function here. (This is partially because there is no satisfactory PM module for Drupal.)

I was not censoring you, just making sure that only legal stuff stays.

richard.aDid you consider even talking to the folks at Skype about whether they would mind if while testing was in progress, this was done? Perhaps not.

I will emphasise my point here: This is not a case of personal vengeance or a bad temper - it is merely making sure that things stay legal. Whether the Skype people would mind or not is irrelevant - anyway, they do mind about such cases - their license makes it illegal to do such things. They would need to give special dispensation for such. Which they have formerly not given. And such permission needs to come before redistributing it.

Richard, it seems to me here that I have been entirely on the defensive, merely making sure that everything is legal - as a moderator would, and as Patrick Patience did once I alerted him to this post. I see it as you who have been the one attacking, with very direct personal attacks on me for things which I haven't done, and suggesting alternative channels... which sadly don't exist. If we had PMs or member emailings, that would have been my first port of call. But I couldn't. So I didn't. I went to the IRC channel to see if I could get hold of a mod quietly, but I couldn't, so I put in a polite request. Sadly this has erupted into longer and longer posts arguing out something which shouldn't have been an arguable point...

So now let's stop this flaming.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 min 34 sec ago
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I'll refrain from commenting on the other aspects you two are discussing but chime in to say that we only engage in legal activities at Repackaging software without permission is illegal. Some other sites do that and warez and violating open source licenses but we do not. Unless you had permission from Skype/eBay, you're not allowed to repackage their app as their EULA doesn't give you permission to. It doesn't matter whether it is a test release or not, it's not allowed.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

richard.a's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-05 07:37
Legality - or otherwise

Thank you, John, for responding.

we only engage in legal activities at

I totally understand and agree.

Repackaging software without permission is illegal.

Unless you had permission from Skype/eBay, you're not allowed to repackage their app as their EULA doesn't give you permission to.

It doesn't matter whether it is a test release or not, it's not allowed.

Perhaps I'm missing something here... but if this particular application being developed has the approval of PortableApps (to be developed), does that not imply to someone reading this thread on this forum that permission has been gained - either through a regular licence, or a special dispensation by the owners of the intellectual property?

I'm puzzled, because that was my understanding, and why. In the end, a total packaging will be required, after all.

Richard Ashton
Retired CAD trainer

Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 min 34 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Launcher Only

This post is about what we refer to as a "launcher only" release. That means that a launcher that portablizes the app has been created but we don't have permission to repackage the app itself (or we aren't because we don't have freeware hosting at the moment... but usually the first reason) so the app isn't included and must either be manually copied in by the user or the launcher will do it for you on first run.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

richard.a's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
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Thanks for the explanation.

There is more to closed source than just the veritable can of worms, lol.

I wonder if I might ask further, something which attorneys etc may see as valid interpretation.

Would I be right in saying that if a person - say I - did what was suggested, that would be fine in law.

If I were then to do the same for a friend who didn't have the technical skills, even if no money or any other form of payment took place, I wonder if that would infringe the licence conditions?

(Whether or not the friend was competant to do the "surgery" needed)

I'm not being a smart-alec, John. I'm attempting to see round the corners, having known people who have inadvertantly fallen foul of copyright law.

But I guess these thoughts are hijacking the thread.

Thank you again for your intervention.


Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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That would depend

on the exact wording of the licence.

Some common phrases and sections in closed source (even freeware) licences include thing like.

Redistribution : some licences talk about redistributing only the unmodified installer or zip file. This means that you would be free to re-ship the app, but not to repackage it in any way.

In other words, you would have to deliver exactly the file that you downloaded from them. You could have another file side by side with it that had all your code and launcher etc in it, but with the strictest terms of these licences, you cannot even legally bundle their setup.exe and your setup.exe in a single zip file together since that could be classed as repackaging. Again though, it depends on the exact wording.

In this sort of licence restriction, it is generally legal for an end-user to move things around post-install to portablise it.

Installation : The other common restriction even in free software is where the licence grants one user the right to install the software on one computer.

In that case, even portablising it personally for private use is a licence violation and is illegal.

If you want a definite answer for a definite application, consult a specialist lawyer and have a copy of the exact licence in question for him(her) to inspect.

richard.a's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-05 07:37
Thank you Jimbo,

Thank you Jimbo, appreciated.

I think quoting this comment of yours is the key to what I was asking...

In this sort of licence restriction, it is generally legal for an end-user to move things around post-install to portablise it.

When a third party assists the REAL enduser, it sounds like that is a no-no.

As the questions I posed were hypothetical, based on the thoughts generated by John's remarks, I have no need right now to consult (ie pay gelt to) a lawyer.

But I suspect what I quoted above might well have a bearing on legality if - for example someone was to add that excellent "emailstripper" (a proprietory closed source app) to PortableApps and then share the stick with another user - it could contravene its licence.

But as you say, the specific licence would need to be examined - or communication with the creators of the software to get their approval (or otherwise) in writing.

Probably the latter is the best solution in any case.


Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?

Andreas Wiese
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-29 10:24
If You are looking for an

If You are looking for an easy to use package of Skype Portable 4.0 for PortableApps You can find it on my website. It is a modified version that gives You a launcher entry with icon in the PortableApps Menu. Just download it and copy the decompressed zip-archive to the "PortableApps" directory -> done

You can find it more information and the download on my blog: [Link removed by mod JTH - Self promotion and linking to illegally packaged software is not permitted. Please stop doing it.]

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-08-03 05:31
Does that work with Skype 4.x

Does that work with Skype 4.x BETA?

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