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Zach Thibeau's picture
Submitted by Zach Thibeau on April 30, 2009 - 1:03am

anyways it's been a long time since I posted here in my blog at
Some updates I am working on will be

  • A New NSISPortable Pre-Release (using John's Patch he made, even loaded my a test computer with the beta version of Windows 7 for testing)
  • also a new release for dvdstyler to 1.7.2 to hopefully push it into a full release and move it from Pre-Release stage

also since I am a part of the release team I seriously need to get off my duff and start testing more often the application in Development so hopefully some of the apps will move from Dev Test to Pre-release a little more quickly.

On top of that I also need to and go Job hunting as in the fall of 2009 I'm going to be moving into my own apartment and I need money to do move so if I'm a little slow around now and that time it's probably because of either a) I am off Job Hunting or b) I have a job and I am working Smile

Anyways I'll be around as much as I can, also Steve Lamerton if you are reading this blog, thanks for encouraging me to program in c++ with the WxWidgets toolkit Smile you seriously got my hooked into it.


horusofoz's picture

Good luck with the job hunting. If your hard up for cash I suggest not restricting yourself to IT specific fields but also include admin in your search as office administration these days is largely computer based and the rest of it runs on a basis similar to a computer. Looking to complete a task in the most efficient manner possible. Advocate

Zach Thibeau's picture

ohh don't worry Blum my last job was working as a janitor before heading to school, I was going to work there again but they don't need anymore people there at this time they said, chances are (if I don't get dusted off again) try working at the call center in my community where I used to work at also.

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau