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Making Plone 3 portable

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-04-23 12:25
Making Plone 3 portable

Well, actually "semi-portable" Smile

So for some time I've been searching for a good personal information manager. First I was using EssentialPIM, then I switch to MoinMoin (personal wiki) and then I came to Plone - a content management system ( The only problem was that it was rather hard to make it portable before. But since current version (3.2.2) they introduced 'buildout' - and easy way to setup and change your Plone installation. So here is the recipe:

1. download Plone windows installer (

2. extract it with Universal Extractor

3. put {app} directory content into your desired Plone directory (path to your plone directory)

>cd (path to your plone directory)


5. edit buildout.cfg to make it like this:


http-address =
debug-mode = off

6. run

>.\bin\buildout -No

7. run
>.\bin\instance.exe console

8. open in browser:, login/pass: admin

Here is what you'll see (a quotation from Plone forum):

You'll see Zope front page. Click "Zope admin interface" link to log in using credentials you gave during running the Plone installer. Click 'Root folder' on left sidebar. This is your Zope application server root folder. You can run several Plone sites under the same application server and you can edit the sites here. From 'Add...a dropdown menu on right' choose 'Plone site'. You'll see a form asking the site id and title for a new Plone site. Fill in id form field "Plone". Press "Add Plone site"

Now point your browser to:

Congratulations! You should be now logged in as admin to your new Plone instance and you'll see the front page of Plone.