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Audacity: Cant export FLAC files?

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Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-20 20:10
Audacity: Cant export FLAC files?

Ok, so I edited a song and tried to export it from flac, to flac or mp3.
It starts to export, but just freezes, says it has like an hour to go and stays on the 1st loading bar and doesn't do anything...
Nothing works, I don't know if it's just plain impossible to do or if I'm doing something wrong.

Can someone help?

Just tried it again, and it has an error message saying that it can't export it...

EDIT: Nvm, turns out the stable version of audacity doesn't support this, so I downloaded the latest beta, copied my version of audacity portable and called it BETA, and copied the installed files to it and it works like a charm!

EspaÑaks (not verified)
To guarantee stability

Use the stable version, export to WAV & use BonkEnc to convert it to FLAC

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