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Typist software for portability

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Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-30 00:23
Typist software for portability

Hello. NCH offers many typist assistance freeware/shareware programs. and one of these is the Express Scribe transcription program. I thought I located somewhere on the web a portable version of this but was working at a public lab and since have not located the filedownload

But the program itself is rather small, and may work as a regular app with its current setup.exe, however, Express Scribe itself (the ONLY recommended across the board,besides private programs for transcribing online/computer dictated software - along with NCH's ExpressDictate software program)...

It would be nice to see this as portable app.

Also, one transcribing company offers a video/audio transcriber and I will write them to see if they can offer it portable, it is private not for alteration on the copyright (though I did try myself to use it with JauntPE portable app launcher/creator but without success.

Finally, has a transcriber (also name of the program) that is widely used by linguists, but it is very large - and not in final development since 2005 - this month May '09 unless it has been delayed, they were expecting the new release but surely it will be too large for my system which "balks" at any new software installs.

Okay, back to USB, thanks a lot.

Claire F.

Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-30 00:23

sorry, site for Express scribe is

Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2006-07-25 06:58


It's really great.

I'll use (it's a sin I know) Dragon Dictate (there isn't an open source equivalent) for this work but sometimes audio is really poor and I must trenscript it manually.

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