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Xenon File Manager Portable 2.0 Beta 4

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John Bentley
John Bentley's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-24 13:26
Xenon File Manager Portable 2.0 Beta 4

Application: Xenon File Manager
Category: Utilities
Description: Xenon File Manager is a portable file manager that supports portable file assocations, tabbed and multi-pane browsing, and more.


  • Tabbed Browsing
  • Multi-Pane
  • Portable File Assocations
  • Bookmarks
  • Folder View

Download Xenon File Manager Portable 2.0 Beta 4 [~1.6MB download / ~4.47MB installed] (MD5: 35704da5bdbd8db004a3ae5fc8584209)

Release Notes:
Beta 4 (2009-06-11): Fixed some bugs with the folder view. Updated bookmark editor and context menu.
Beta 3 (2009-03-09): Fixed bugs with D&D, File Operations, and more.
Beta 2 (2009-02-23): Fixed a bug.
Beta 1 (2009-02-05): Added more language files.

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

a couple of minor quibbles, when I have the folder view turned on the icon for the C:\ drive overruns the border a little bit and also if I have the folder view turned on and then open the preferences panel but click cancel the folder view vanishes Wink

Looking good to me though!

EDIT, also the search bar entry on in the view menu is greyed out, even when it is open because I have done a search.

John Bentley
John Bentley's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-24 13:26
I see what you mean. I'll try

I see what you mean. I'll try to fix those. The search bar entry is not a bug. It doesn't need to be selected. It's just there to tell you that the search panel is open.

cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'

App Guy
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-16 14:24

The button with the home icon "to go to the root directory" says "root herictory" instead of directory

May the Shwartz be with you

Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-17 19:09
Bug reports and feature request

Bug report: Installed the Xenon 2.0 beta-4 via the PortableApps Menu (version 2 beta3), selecting in Xenon menu "Help" stalls for several seconds, then reports:

Unable to open requested HTML document: file:/G%3A/help/english.html

I installed it at G:\PortableApps\Xenon Portable

Bug report: what happened to the file association editor? Also no themes under Edit,Preferences,Themes.

Feature request: it'd be great if Xenon had a feature to allow copying the full path of the selected file. For example, like in Vista's Explorer, if you select a file, then shift-right-click, there's a context menu choice to "copy as path", which puts the full file path into the clipboard.

p.s. Although I downloaded from this page, and the Sourceforge page suggests its 2.0_Beta_4, the Help,About screen says its version (aka 2.0 Beta 5).

Meta File
Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-06-24 17:03
One Request

The Xenon Search 1.5 is better than new version.
Closing Search windows in Version 1.5 is so easier than click "none" from "View > Panel" menu in version 2.0.
Also exploring search result in Version 1.5 is easier than 2.0, Most users wont using Vertical Scroll-bar, not Horizontal Scroll-bar.

Thanks for this useful application.

Last seen: 13 hours 43 min ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
This is a great app but I was

This is a great app but I was wondering if there's any possibility of adding the option to open new windows within Xenon? If so this could rival QTTabBar.

[Duplicate topic deleted, no need for both - mod Chris]

Edit: sorry, unsure where to post then found this topic Shock

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2010-06-12 18:54
Xenon File Manager 2.0 Beta 4 / Downloadable Themes

Some information posted online in various places indicates that Xenon File Manager 2.0 Beta 4 supports downloadable themes. Does it support downloadable themes? And if so, where can these themes be downloaded and how are they installed? I really like the Default theme included with Xenon File Manager 1.5 and would like to use this theme with Xenon File Manager 2.0 Beta 4. Since there have been no further releases since Xenon File Manager 2.0 Beta 4 (2009-06-11), is this application still be actively developed? What's the future for this application?


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