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RPG Maker 2000 Portable Launcher

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Joined: 2009-03-06 19:55
RPG Maker 2000 Portable Launcher

Application: RPG Maker 2000 Launcher
Category: Gamemaker
Description: The RPG Maker 2000 is one of the greatest RPG ( - Game - ) Maker worldwide. With RPG Maker 2000 Portable, packed in format, you can easily make and edit your own games (now everywhere). No coding skills are required to make them.

download RPG Maker 2000 Portable Launcher [362KB download / 178KB installed]
(MD5: 1c55ff16c259f86a309481896fd78422)

Rule: No asking for the Application, if you haven´t it, use Google. + Do not post a link to the App, it is illegal.

Release Notes:

Development Test 1 (2009-06-14):

  • first release

Installer was made with the PortableApps Installer 0.91.3.
If you have suggestions to optimize the code, let it know me.

You can get the RTP (Run Time Package: it includes all graphics needed to make a game) here.