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Baby Web Server USB Launcher

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Lukas238's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-07 17:33
Baby Web Server USB Launcher

I use Xampp Lite Portable for development and testing, and is really grate, but recently I found my self in the need of ASP support. There is a way to add ASPx support in XAMPP, but not for ASP Classic.

After a little search I came with Baby Web Server and is was just what I want. Is really tiny (250kb) and have ASP classic support.

Now to make it portable, there is a tutorial for the pro version, but the free version can't auto detect the USB drive letter.

So I code this little launcher to solve this problem: DOWNLOAD


  1. Copy the .zip content in a folder in the PortableApps folder (\PortableApps\babywebserver\).
  2. Download Baby Web Server from the authors page.
  3. Extract all the files in the App folder (\PortableApps\babywebserver\App)

That's it! Your done and ready to lunch. The root folder for your web page will be \Documents\Sites\.

If you want to make changes here is the code of the launcher (its a bat file converted to exe widht Batch to Exe Converter 1.5):

@echo off

set drive=%cd:~0,3%

if exist data\settings.ini del data\settings.ini

echo [Settings] > data\settings.ini
echo WebPages=%drive%Documents\Sites\ >> data\settings.ini

start app\babyweb.exe /Config:.\.\data\settings.ini

powerjuce's picture
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 21:34
lol have fun with this

I tried this some time ago...

this includes a nsis installer, as well as a launcher. The launcher downloads the app for you.

However as ASP is not used much this project is hard to work with.
Also there are some registry entries that also must be kept to keep this actually "Portable".

Please search before posting. ~Thanks

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