Application: VisualBoy Advance-M
Category: Games
Description: VBA is the best and most popular Gameboy Advance emulator around. Emulates GBA, GBC, SGB, GBA roms! Supports (7)ZIP-ed roms, so that after downloading files from the net you don't even have to un-zip them.
Download VisualBoy Advance-M Development Test 5 [1.04MB download / 1.45MB installed]
(MD5: C9DF8D47BD6122E5D8D713070B7D6F58)
Release Notes:
Development Test 5 (2009-10-22):
- Updated to VBA-M SVN923.
Development Test 4 (2009-10-21):
- Updated to VBA-M SVN913.
Development Test 3 (2009-10-12):
Updated from VBA 1.7.2 to VBA-M SVN893.
I consider this an app update, rather than a new app, so it keeps the same install directory, and increments the Dev Test numbering.
Development Test 2 (2009-07-08):
Bug Fixed:
Fixed drive letter handling (now it actually works) -
Known Issues:
Leaves behind an empty registry key. Planning to update to the latest build of VBA-M, which does not create this key.
Development Test 1 (2009-07-05): Initial release
This is the latest stable release of VBA. I plan to get this up and running and tested and then try to work with the latest SVN release of the VBA-M fork/merge project, as VBA is apparently no longer supported.
I don't know if it is a problem with the portable app of something with my computer but some wierd thing happened and the portable app stopped working. Then after reinstalling it onto my flash drive it worked but only once. Then it keeps coming up the this "Access Denied" message that shows up on command prompt then disappears. Do you know what the problem is?
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
I've never seen the issue that you mention, and nothing in the launcher should bring up an access denied error on the command prompt, but I'll look into it. In the mean time, try completely deleting the VisualBoyAdvancePortable folder (back up your ROMs and saves first) and reinstall it and see if that clears anything up.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Could be an NTFS permissions issue? Advocate
Qwertymodo I'll try that.
I do use this formating on my home computer but not on my flash drive (because I can't so I use FAT32)
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
Also, if you get the problem again try launching VisualBoyAdvance.exe directly and see if you still get the same error.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
It works perfectly when I go and start the exe itself but the saves and all the other stuff saves directly to the rom folder and not the assigned places like it did when I used the portablevba exe.
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
That's because the launcher sets the directories for you, and running vba directly will just use the defaults. The point was just to see if it worked, so we could rule out your computer as the problem. If it worked, try deleting vba.ini from App\VBA and also the one in Data\settings and run VBAPortable again. Your settings file may have gotten messed up somehow. If that works for you, just move all of your save files and such back into the right folders and you'll be fine.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
I've gotten my hands on the latest VBA-M build and it's looking pretty nice, but I think I'll test it out for awhile before I post it. I'm just wondering though, should I consider VBA-M to just be a "new version" of VBA and replace it entirely or should I consider it a branch and release it separately? If I release it separately should I post it here or create a new topic for it?
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
well since Forgotten (the developer of original vba) doesn't code vba anymore, he basically retired, vba-m is currently the only vba modifications that is still trying to improve vba. I suggest replacing it with vba-m
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Ok, "updated version" it is
We'll see when I get around to it...
However, I will continue to install to /VisualBoyAdvance to retain saves, etc. from a previous install. I mean, is the "-M" technically part of the app's name now or is that just an indicator that it's a fork of the original project? I would think the latter, so as far as the installation is concerned I'm going to continue to call it VisualBoyAdvance (i.e. AppID, install directory /App/VBA directory) and then I will cosmetically refer to it as VBA-M (i.e. it will show up as VBA-M on the menu). Not exactly sure what is going to be what, I just know that I want the platform to treat VBA and VBA-M as different versions of the same program, rather than as different programs.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
I finally managed to get VBA-M up and running. I do see on that there is a more recent build (SVN904), but the build they posted requires the infamous d3dx9_41.dll... aka "it's not portable until Zach Thibeau recompiles it without Direct3D"
Try it out and let me know what you think 
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
just to let you know the ROM folder should be in App/Rom not Data/Rom as it will make the backup process much easier, also roms aren't settings technically so that's another reason to move that other than that pretty good
Now a note (being an admin on for their forum) the latest revision will not build as they are making some changes etc.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Ok, I can change the default ROM directory, but the user can change it as well. Rather than hard-coding the ROM directory to be overwritten every launch, it is only set in the Default Settings routine, then the drive letter is corrected on launch. I personally use /Documents/ROMs/GBA.
Too bad to hear the newer revisions won't build. If you get one that will, let me know and I'll update
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.

Going to try it out at home so yea
Good work ZachThibeau
Actually, Zach let me take over VBA-M Portable, so I'm the one releasing this, although I wouldn't have been able to do it without him. (He had to do a special build for me so it didn't require Direct3D which would have broken portability)
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Oh, Sorry bout that.
Home now and testing. Works like a charm
Zach Thibeau gave me a portable MFC binary of SVN 913, so I've released it as Dev Test 4.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Installer is still labelled Dev Test 3 Advocate
No, SourceForge is just being dumb. Check the full installer name. If the installer is SVN 893 Dev Test 3, that IS Dev Test 3 and SourceForge just isn't up to speed yet. Dev Test 4 is SVN 913. If you somehow got a SVN 913 Dev Test 3... then something's just screwy O_o.
[Update] It seems to be working now, so try downloading it again.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Working now Advocate
For some reason SourceForge consistently does not seem to like my uploads the first time around, but work almost immediately upon a reupload, even though WinSCP reports that it went off without a hitch both times. Glad to hear you got it, let me know how it's working for you
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
many of the compilation issue for 916 qwerty are now fixed, (was trying to optimize the graphics core, should be better now) use that
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I tried a few different games in this that I know worked on a previous version of VisualBoy I had archived a fair while back but doesn't work in this build. As soon as I load the rom the freezes. The apps window just goes white and does nothing. To exit need to right click the task bar and close.
Just check and the olde version of VisualboyAdvance that the games do work in is 1.8.0 SVN. It says it was compiled 18/2/2008.
Hope that helps. Advocate
The version number shown under Properties for VisualBoyAdvance-M.exe doesn't really tell me anything, since all of the SVN builds are If you're using the PAM, hover the mouse over VBA-MP and it should list its SVN version number (i.e. VisualBoy Advance-M Portable SVN XXX). Also, Zach just gave me a new version so try Dev Test 5 once I get it uploaded later tonight.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Unfortunately I'm using the R34 Mod (Damn those categories but with 100+/- apps I need 'em). However I check the file version in the EXE properties for the older one that does work and got this number - - Hope that helps.
Also just tried Dev Test 5 (which did download first time) and same issue as Dev Test 4 where the game window just goes white Advocate
Check /App/AppInfo/appinfo.ini. That will have the version number. Unfortunately, it's probably an issue with the emulator itself or your computer. Does it happen with every game or just certain ones? Have you tried different video settings?
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
The old version doesn't have an SVN listed
To simplify things I've uploaded a ZIP of the old VBA Portable folder here. All games are removed from the package. Hopefully that helps find the diagnose the issue. Advocate
In my testing of Dev Test 5, I've gotten some random graphic artifacting, but not the white screen you are talking about. What games specifically are producing the issue? If the answer is "all of them" at least name a few, perhaps I haven't tried any of the ones you have.
Speaking of gfx artifacting... Zach, any ideas about this?
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
iirc they are going for uh8 for the graphics instead of the original uh16 programming techniques (optimization basically is what their doing, seems they aren't finished with it so it maybe best to go back to the older one before this svn release.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Any suggestions on a particular version to go back to? The version that horusofoz reported as working had the d3dx9 dll with it, so that won't work unless it's recompiled. Plus, I can't figure out exactly which version it is, other than that under Help>About, it says it was compiled Feb 16 2008, and the version number on the launcher is
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
I would say go with 913 and I'll let you know once the filter core is fixed
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Just ran through all the games listed below and all have the same recurring issue with the white screen (Screenshot). Advocate
Dev Test 5 has been released. If you have issues downloading, wait and try later. SourceForge takes a little while to distribute uploads to all of their mirrors and publish them.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
I been testing some games and all of these do not work.
Astro Boy - Omega Factor
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls
Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town
Harry Potter Collection - The Philosopher's Stone + The Chamber of Secrets + The Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Will test more games as soon as I can.
What operating system are you running? Advocate
Anyone having issues with games not working, can you try it on another computer, perhaps with a different Windows version? Also, can you indicate what version of Windows you're having trouble on? I can't reproduce the problems reported, so I'm not sure what's going on.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
I tried on another machine with the same operating system (XP with SP3) and produced the same issue Advocate
Im on a machine with Windows XP sp3. I tested it on other computers with Vista and had the same error.
Machine Spec:
Intel Core2 Duo CPU E7200 @ 2.53GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT 512 MB Graphics Card
XP Professional SP3
PortableApps running from Western Digital 500GB My Passport Portable Hard Drive using PAM Mod R34. Advocate
Something's just occurred to me. With TeamViewer Portable you could see the error occur? I wouldn't normally do this but I figure it'd be a way for you to see this bug in action for yourself. If TeamViewer Portable has the functionality to make this happen the tool may see a lot of usage on Advocate
Any plans to update this to PAL?
Hey Qwerty, are you still keeping this up, or would you care if i redid this for PAL 2.0?
actually I was thinking of taking this back up, I worked on this originally and gave way to qwerty but he hasn't responded to me or hasn't been on irc in a while, so currently I'm waiting on his response. I've also been working with mudlord and the gang at team to do some more changes to help with portability.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Well in that case then i will clear the board for you, since i have one other project in mind that i wish to do myself. good luck and god speed your re-release...not that there is any issues with the current edition that isnt emulation related, but a PAL 2.0 version would be nice to have atm.
not letting me run gba files says either access denied or file corrupted
but when i run the gba file in my other visual boy advance emulator the file works fine
if this could be fixed it would work fine
this is the only problem i saw in the program
i'm not wierd, i'm just different