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Stellarium 0.10.2

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Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-11-12 10:18
Stellarium 0.10.2

Installed this tonight and it is crashing with Windows asking to generate an error report. Stellarium is still open, visible on the screen when the error is reported and Stellarium shuts down. First I thought it had something to do with me panning from south to north. But later it crashed the same way, just sitting there.

Sorry, can't give more information than error includes ModName libstel.dll, Offset 002e3928

Windows XP. SP3, 2Gb RAM. 8Gb Micro Cruzer usb memory stick with 6Gb free.

Last seen: 8 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-11-12 10:18
On the other hand it works

On the other hand it works fine, as far as I can tell, on my computer at work. Not sure where to start looking on my computer... for a problem.

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