Hello everyone ,
I want to ask the PA team which kind of applications are allowed to included to portable apps. At the moment I develop on an advance wars dual strike rebuild.
The program itself is written in Java and I saw in the last months the portable Java has grown a lot in portability.
I want to publish the full playable beta soon and this program is fully portable.
Furthermore I'm a big fan of portable apps ( all my programs are from portable apps ).
That's why I want to ask to publish it also as a portable apps application. I think it isn't difficult because the program is fully portable and would need only a good launcher that loads MiniWars with portable Java.
I forgot to say , the licence of MiniWars is free-ware, not open-source... that's why I ask ( nearly all portable apps are open source ?! ).
I might be wrong but,
Java is generally per definition portable, if you use relative paths as it does not save to the registry.
So it should be portable already, or you can easily make it portable (since you are part of the development team).
Note that this is not necessarily in PortableApps.com format.
If it is not open source it cannot be hosted on SourceFourge, so it cannot be hosted here.
But you can host a PortableApps.com format launcher on SourceForge - but users will have to download MiniWars elsewhere.
We've started allowing outside open source and freeware projects to use our launcher code and installer. So you can start working on it. We're going to start posting freeware probably next week.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!