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USB Webserver

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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-24 14:51
USB Webserver

Has anyone tried to make a "USB Webserver" a portableapps application?

I found it on and it can be downloaded from

AIUI, this has a full Apache WWW server and MySQL, which serves my purposes fantasticly!

I write WWW applications for a living, and it would be really neat if I was able to take them on a USB stick to client sites, put it in and show off development - without having to rely on an internet connection. Obviously flat files can be shown without a problem (just load them up in a browser), but CGI scripts are more of a problem without a server!

I could use the setup they offer, but would prefer to be able to launch it from the launcher as this would look a whole lot better - it would be easier for my clients to understand if it was started from a generic application launcher, rather than some special, mystical, "server starter" launcher.

i.e. If I was using a launcher which also had things like firefox and thunderbird, and a few games shown on it, that would make the server software less "threatening", and more just just some application you run to make the server run.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-02-09 21:49

We already have XAMPP, which does everything USB Webserver does, and more...

Use the search box! Please!

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-24 14:51

Thanks for the suggestion!

I didn't know about that! (With a nondesecript name like "XAMPP", that's not surprising!)

I'll grab a copy and take a look - thanks!

Incidently, is there any chance of a link to the "test applications" list onto the lefthand navbar? It's getting a right pain to have to go search for it everytime I want to see what's availabe

(This links into my earlier posts about having an full list easily available to anyone coming to the WWW site - at present I find the easiest way to find this page is to search the forumns for the word "CRAZY" to find a thread with a link to it!)

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-07-24 14:51


No wonder I had difficulty finding a WWW server here! (Apart from the nondescript name!)

It's listed under "Development"! Should really be under "Internet", or both.

I'll add this to the relevant forumn thread

Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2016-09-11 19:34
I know this thread is old,

I know this thread is old, but...
XAMPP just accepts Vista +
USBWebserver works well in XP.
Was the only one I found to work in XP.
It is fast, simple, small and PORTABLE!

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