I had been thinking of making a launcher for this for some time. Then, just this past weekend, it finally sunk in - uvnc is GPL! So, I modified the source to the vncviewer app, so it is now portable (I originally implemented a "-portable" parameter, which is still available below).
Download the latest version here, here, or here (courtesy of Ryan McCue and his site, cubegames.net)
(This installer also includes the full source, 7-zipped, in "Other/UltraVNCViewer Portable Source")
What it does thus far:
- bypasses the code that associates itself with .vnc files
- bypasses the code that registers various vnc sound events
- disables the mru (finally decided "who needs a MRU w/o the registry when files work just as well")
- removed the "save as default" option - you can create the .vnc file from the system menu when you connect to the VNC server.
I'm still trying to decide if/how I should implement a portable-ized MRU, and whether to start this as its own project on sourceforge or just submit it as a patch to uvnc.
Any suggestions in this regard would still be appreciated.
The following links have the original version with the "-portable" switch:
Ryan McCue's links: binary source
The Lurking_Biohazard's links: binary source
Thanks Ryan and L_B for the mirrors! I couldn't have done it without your help!
Edit 15 Sept 2008: I noticed the UltraVNC team has released 1.0.5 stable, so I'm gonna start working on it this week.
Edit 1 Oct 2008: I've built the uvncviewerportable app, it can be downloaded here and here.
Disabling the MRU is wise. If you're using the app across computers and the drive letter of your device changes between those systems, the absolute paths stored in the MRU lists will be useless. MRU lists, by their very nature, are not very portable.
fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
So, I guess I'll just leave the MRU disabled. Do you think it'd be better for me to submit the changes as a patch to UVNC or just host it as a separate sf.net project?
An expession here, ;). Just my 2 cents: Some people do have permanent machines they log in from, so I think having an MRU, etc. is a good thing (that is, if you can lock people out like I do :D). IMHO a seperate project sounds good. On the other hand, if you do decide to make the MRU otional in your current build, and maybe a few of the other settings, it would be a good idea to offer it as patch.
He added a switch called "-portable," of which one of things it does is disables the MRU. Chances are, if you only intend to use the application from one computer, you're not going to use the -portable switch if the application runs just fine off the USB key already. His -portable switch is just to make it portable-friendly. By their nature, MRUs aren't very portable-friendly.
fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
Heh, sorry Bruce, I was a little groggy. Anyhow, It all sounds good.
I put an un hidden email up on a message board a couple of times- and got a bunch nigerian 419 scams. Suggestion: camoflague your email- like myemailloginemailhostercom
Panic, Mayhem, and Destruction- My work here is done.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
by default, it loads the MRU into the registry, which is something I'd like to avoid. I was toying with the idea of a separate "vncviewer.mru" file just for the MRU, it is kinda catch-22: the MRU file is nice, but working out the relative paths in it could get tricky; but the options.vnc file is just a normal .vnc file with the last saved settings, including vnc server address, you could just load separate .vnc files, as well.
If you want, I could create a switch to enable JUST the registry MRU, maybe call it "-MRU_ONLY" or "-semi-portable", and have it just disable the file association and the sound event, but leave the MRU in registry?
edit: Dang! Can't spell tonight!
Gotta keep saving
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
The MRU consists of IP addresses/hostnames. Wouldn't be useless if they are internet addresses. So it's worth keeping the MRU in.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
It is nearly the entire .vnc file, stored in the Windows registry. That's why I haven't implemented one yet.
I've been thinking of creating a .ini-type file, with a similar structure to the .vnc files (since that's what actually gets stored), to implement the MRU. However, this would occupy just as much space on the disk as having separate .vnc files for each connection, with the only benefit of it being in just one file instead of many.
As I said earlier, though, I'm still open to suggestions on this topic, as I'm not totally against it. I've just been creating .vnc files for the connections I commonly use, myself. If I can find a better way to do this, I'll definitely add it to the next release.
I am very interested and was wondering if you had posted this? I have been using UltraVNC and I love it...
Let me know how it works, and remember: to get the portable vncviewer, run "vncviewer.exe -portable", otherwise you'll get several hits to the registry.
Your portable version works great! Any chance we'll see a portable version of UltraVNC 1.0.2 that came out on July 1st?
If it offers any real kind of enhancements, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'll just wait until the next major release.
edit: security fixes + better compatibility == new portableUVNC. I'm on it.
Thanks heaps.
Is UltraVNC licensed under the GPL, cause you will need to release the source.
I can host it on my site if you want, send me an email at cubegames[at]gmail.com (I don't care about spam anymore. They all already have me
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Yes, UltraVNC is GPL'd, and, once I finish my modifications, my source will be, too. Looks like it may be a while, though - they've changed some of the source structure, and I can't find the version of my source that included the "-portable" switch.
Don't worry though, I'm still working on it, it'll just take a little longer than I hoped it would.
edit: Well, that went quicker than I thought! It's all ready: a pre-compiled, pre-upx'd binary with a zipped source ready for upload.
Until this portable UltraVNC viewer has a more permanent home, here are rapidshare links for the viewer binary, and the modified source.
Just run with the "-portable" or "/portable" command-line switch to activate my changes. Otherwise, it acts like normal.
Hi Machete,
Your link at rapidshare no longer works (exceeded download limit!)
Have you managed to get the UltraVNC authors to host it / incorporate it?
I can host it for you.
I'll upload it now.
It also has a download tracker, so if you want, I can tell you the amount of downloads.
Edit: Try http://rmccue.stsolutions.us/downloads/vncviewer.exe and http://rmccue.stsolutions.us/downloads/UltraVNC-102-src-portableapps.com_edition.zip.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Sorry about that! I've been kept kinda busy with school and RL. Looks like the download links are working, and md5sum's check out!
Thanks for hosting this, and again, I'm sorry I didn't reply!
I myself am caught up with school work and stupid lilina. People wanting features that MagpieRSS doesn't support, so I can't fix. *humph*
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Thanks for that portable viewer,
searched a long time for that.
I don't know much about how this would work, but would someone want to take this, package it for U3 and list it on their site? This would be an awesome addition to my U3 drive, and I don't know enough about it to do it myself.
I did I can send the file to you too if you want the location is ultra vnc viewer u3
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
The doesn't appear to be doing the right thing. It's not running with the /portable switch like it should, so it's actually using the registry when it shouldn't.
I fixed it:
<appStart cmd="%U3_APP_DATA_PATH%\vncviewer.exe"> -portable</appStart>
Much better. Thanks!
Your most certainly welcome. I hope you enjoy this and yeah the registry being used that would be packagefactorys fault. I should no better than use that program. Better to do it by hand
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Excellent work. I've been using UVNC with the registry wrapper hack posted a while back for some time now. This will be much friendlier. Thanks for the work!
Note that if you wish to transfer files, you'll also need to include zip32.dll, unzip32.dll on your flash drive. See the UltraVNC forum.
is this still on going? the link for the file doesn't work anymore.
I would be interested too. So far UltraVNC is installed on my usb with registry setting deleted from registry and it seems to work fine...
Thanks, I'll be on the lookout !
Yep, still ongoing, just waiting for the 1.0.3 viewer release, so I can make it portable. I tried the same method, at first, and noticed while perusing my registry that there were still several registry settings there. Upon inspecting the source, I realized that I could change that without loosing any functionality (except for the MRU, you'll notice).
Keep watching, I'll make sure to update (AND include the zip/unzip .dll's) when the next version's out.
Change the links to
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Just fixed the links in my first post.
run vncviewer.exe -portable from PAM?
You can't yet.
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Sounds like making a portable-only vncviewer might be a good idea after all. Gimme a few days (probably more like a week, gotta rebuild my PC and a friend's), I'll get right on it. A version that don't need the -portable parameter. Maybe I'll change the target output filename to pvncviewer.exe?
Use the PAF setup, like App\VNC\vncviewer.exe and VNCViewerPortable.exe
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I might just do that, but make an App\VncViewerPortable.exe, using the PAF setup. I'll also have to grab the source files that correspond JUST to the viewer app itself, and include that as an option. Guess it'll keep me busy until the next vncviewer version.
Thanks (in advance) for your efforts Machete!
I was just wondering if you had had a chance to make a PAF version of this?
Not yet. I've recently upgraded hardware, replaced a dead drive, and had to reinstall windows as a result. Add to that friends, neighbors, etc keep coming to me with their virus/malware-ridden computers for me to "fix". Finally, I'm still in school, which is also taking up the remainder of what time I have.
I still plan to get it done, but it may take a while at this rate.
The source has been cleaned up slightly, mostly removing the need for the "-portable" parameter, and permanent removal of the MRU, and cleaning up the initial dialog a bit.
All that's left now is to make the launcher (a simple NSI script to locate and run the executable, maybe a splash screen), and create the .paf.exe installer.
With any luck, I'll have the launcher and installer ready tomorrow or Monday evening!
Finished (I hope)!
I've updated the first post, and included a download link here and here.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Thanks again, Ryan, I really appreciate it!
I'm always ready to help someone out.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Is there any way to allow it to remember the host IP addresses? I guess the original used the registry to do this.
With this version, you can create a .vnc file after establishing the connection by clicking the "system menu" (the icon at the top-left corner of the window), and selecting "Save connection info as..." (or press Ctrl-Alt-F5). Next time you start the viewer, click the "..." button and load the file.
Originally the "Save connection settings as default" created a "options.vnc" file in the %temp% folder, but it never got reloaded automatically, so I figured "if it doesn't really do what it looks like it says, why have it there?"
Perhaps I'll eventually put it back in, and have it actually load it at startup (if it's either in the Data directory or in the App directory), but the uvnc crew say another version's on the horizon, so I'll wait until that's been released first.
First of all, thank you very much for the work you've put into making UltraVNC work with PortableApps.
I do have one issue though and was wondering if you had ever looked into this. I use UltraVNC with the DSM encryption plug-in (NoReg setting) and the plug-in still wants to see the RC4.key file in the local machine's C:\Program Files\ORL\VNC directory. Is this something that can be easily corrected?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated and thanks once again for all your
great work on this.
There are at least 3 that I know of that have been written for uvnc. If it's the one I'm thinking it sounds like, I'll try, but otherwise it'll depend on the license, etc.
Thanks for looking into this.
It's the MSRC4Plugin v1.1.8 - Win32 - 6/3/2005 DSM plug-in. I believe it was the one packaged with UltraVNC.
App\UltraVNCViewer. Latest version is 1.2.2, and can be found here.
Starting with versions 1.2.0 (that I'm aware of, might have started with an earlier version), it checks an environment variable (%msrc4pluginkey%), the folder where uvnc viewer is located, then the current directory looking for the .key file before it tries %programfiles%\UltraVNC & %programfiles%\ORL\VNC.
It seems the author has been trying to make his plugin more *ahem* portable.
Thanks so much again, Machete. Many thanks also, to the DSM author for the effort toward 'portability.'
Thanks very much for doing this port. I hope to use it with authentication, but it does not seem to work for that. I tried ultravnc installed version and it worked fine, but the portable version does not provide an authentication window and just times out when I try to reach the server. Any help for this? Am I doing something wrong? The server is TightVNC running on an XP machine. It is set for password authentication.
but the authentication mechanism wasn't changed. Are you loading a .vnc file, or typing in the connection information manually? And, are you loading/typing the same file/information in the installed version?
edit: It's been nearly four days, Mike, don't leave me hanging! Are you still having this problem? Please, if you are still having problems connecting with uvncviewer portable, please post with the following information:
- Whether or not the server is using an encryption plugin (a .dsm file, typically)
- Whether or not the uvnc viewer portable is using the SAME plugin (save version, especially)
- Whether or not you're loading a .vnc file, or manually typing the info (just to eliminate the possibility of typos)
It's been over a week since you posted, without any follow-up, nor answers to my questions. I genuinely want to help, especially if your problem is caused by the changes I made to uvnc viewer, but if you don't respond with more information than just this, it's not enough to go on.
If you haven't posted anything by midnight MDT (GMT-7) Saturday morning, I'll consider this matter closed, and will simply wait until the next uvnc revision to release the next uvncviewer portable.
Both the server AND the viewer!Look here, about halfway down the page. They're storing all the settings in a .ini file in the same directory as the executable.Edit: Seems I spoke too soon, the server's the one with the .ini file, NOT the viewer (yet).
If you all would like, I can still create a simple PAF-compliant launcher for it, but it should work as-is with PAM.If the new vncviewer isn't portable, I'll still release a new uvncviewer portable, otherwise, I'll probably still make a PAF-compliant launcher.