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How to customize documents directories ?

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Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-15 05:45
How to customize documents directories ?


Is it possible to customize documents directories locations ?
I mean to have Videos directory located in Media\Movies for example.
I need this feature because my media center solution needs this hard coded directory.



NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
taoI mean to have Videos

taoI mean to have Videos directory located in Media\Movies for example.
I need this feature because my media center solution needs this hard coded directory.

Sure, you can make a folder with that name and place your videos there, but there is no way to get the Platform menu to point at that custom directory.

Your best bet would be to make a shortcut to the Media\Movies folder in the Videos folder, if you require use of the Videos button on the Menu. Then, just double-click the shortcut and it'll take you right there. This won't be a fully portable solution; if you change computers, and your drive letter changes, the shortcut will break. So say your drive letter is G, name the shortcut G Movies. Then, on a computer with drive letter J, make a new shortcut called J Movies. Then, when you go to the Videos folder, make a note of the drive letter, and click the appropriate shortcut.

There is also a fork of the Menu called the R34 mod. This will let you point the Videos folder to the Media\Movies folder you've made (or your app's made). Just be warned that the R34 mod gets no official support here, has been known to cause bugs for a few people, and is generally disliked by staff. We're allowed to recommend it, as long as the caveats are stated. Personally, I find that it works just fine. Other menus, e.g. Appetizer, will allow you to make a portable shortcut to any folder you like. Also note that you must use Platform version 1.5.2, install that, then install R34 over the official Platform. It's not a full fork actually, just a patch. Or... something like that.

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