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Encrypted backup

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-08-12 02:27
Encrypted backup

Hello. I use the portable apps at work, so the documents i have into the drive are confidential.

I have seen that the backup aplication uses 7zip to compress the backup folder. 7zip has an option to encrypt the compressed file by a password. The bakcup application could be inproved by giving the option to encrypt the backup file.

digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-03 18:33
Did you try...?

I'm not sure they can easily be used for backup, but perhaps you could back up your files into a TrueCrypt or FreeOTFE vault using the integrated backup utility. Otherwise I would recommend that you either encrypt it manually or spend a bit of time reading the Toucan (or the 7-zip) documentation to make a batch file that does this automatically.
BTW, I think the built-in backup util. Is kinda like what Apple does with its software: put in as few options as possible to make the experience as seamless and not-annoying as possible.
Good luck with that!

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