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Website Baker 2.8.1 - Portable -Edition- based on Server2Go

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Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-08 15:32
Website Baker 2.8.1 - Portable -Edition- based on Server2Go

Programm: Webserver Server2Go combiened with a preinstallation of Website Baker CMS

Description: "Out-of-the-box" Contend Managment System with full features runs on an portable Webserver alternative to XAMPP with restrictions on USB or even from CD's

Licence: Both are free to use; Website Baker CMS is under GPL/GNU and Server2Go is under a free licence and for donation there is additional stuff for the server like setup for MySQL password or change the icon of the .exe but no restrictions of the functionality!


it's a real "Portable" App you can setup the server2Go that no changes are will be saved and so it is possible to burn your webapplication on a CD/DVD for presentation or run it with using a /temp/ folder of system. if it run's on a USB or external Harddrive the changes only made on the included database.

It start's up with only click on "one" .exe file - then the server starts->the system default browser->short documentation->CMS frontend/backend

best regards

Martin Freudenreich