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Firefox Portable - Plugins - Resume Situation

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Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 18:48
Firefox Portable - Plugins - Resume Situation

Hello (and sorry for my French'English)

i read a lot of tips here, of Firefox Portable and the differents plugins integration.

i regular the situation here and :

1 - i install a clean and official Windows XP pro

2 - i download firefox portable 3.5.3 here >

3 - i Extract it on C:\

4 - i download on official rescpective web site, the actual : Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Divx Web Player and Windows Media Player installer

5 - i manually extract each player installer for get this files > (cf 6)

6 - i put in C:\FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins this exctracts files

> (flashplayer.xpt) and (NPSWF32.dll) > for Flash Player
> (npdivx32.xpt), (npdivx32.dll) and (npdivx32.tlb) > for Divx Player
> (npdivx32.dll) > for Shockwave Player
> (np-mswmp.dll) > for Windows Media Player

7 - I launch Firefox Portable like this

8 - I Test :

- Flash Player > Here > IT WORK

- Windows Media Player > Here > IT WORK (but WMP files are installed with windows xp installation)

- Divx Player > Here > IT DON'T WORK (see a blank space)

- Shockwave Player > Here > IT DON'T WORK (see error message : "Windows can not find C:\FirefoxPortable\Data\plugin\SwDnld.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again. To find a file, click the Start button, then click search.")


> I see peoples say Divx Web player and Shockwave player work on firefox portable.

> I think they smoke Ganja a lot, or they do a very very negligent Test !

> If Divx Web Player and Shockwave Player work really on your FirefoxPortable, Prove it, say really how, > and send the package for verify !

Isn't it ?

Thank you

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
Shockwave works here

Thanks for the test links, but Shockwave works here. What I did (more information in the wikiHow article I wrote on this) was install Flash and Shockwave, and every other plugin I could get my hands on. I had Firefox installed locally when I did this. I then found my local plugins folder and copied all of its contents to data\profile under FirefoxPortable.

This will tell you what you have and what the status on it is. Note that this is a CHROME: link and not an HTTP: link, so some browsers may not handle that link right. Also, an extension may have added that - namely Mr. Tech Toolkit, it added a ton of options to my Firefox. It also has a floaty About box with more detailed, yet more comprehensive information on my system and Firefox installation. Ah, here it is:

Generated: Mon Sep 14 2009 00:35:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2
Build ID: 20090729225027

Enabled Extensions: [7]
- Adblock Plus 1.1.1:
- AnyColor 0.3.0:
- BBCode
- BlockSite 0.7.1:
- Gmail Manager
- MR Tech Toolkit
- Tab Mix Plus

Installed Themes: [1]
- Default:

Installed Plugins: (11)
- Adobe Acrobat
- Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 U18
- Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U11
- Microsoft® DRM
- Mozilla Default Plug-in
- QuickTime Plug-in 7.6
- RealPlayer Version Plugin
- RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit) 
- Shockwave Flash
- Shockwave for Director
- Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library

Can't help you with the Divx player. I was not even aware that there was a Divx plugin for Firefox. Still, I do not think I need one.

Also for future reference, implying that people use recreational drugs because they got something working that you couldn't figure out won't make them want to help you. I don't mind, but I'm uniquely patient.

And someone cannot just email you their Firefox profile with all those plugins. It's illegal to redistribute at least the Adobe stuff.

And yes PA.c vets, I know I have something called Microsoft DRM. I've seen it before. It hasn't gotten in my way, so I leave it alone.

Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 18:48
First : Thanks for response >

First : Thanks for response

> And someone cannot just email you their Firefox profile with all those plugins. It's illegal to redistribute at least the Adobe stuff.

Ok, it's not a bank hold up, relativize, it just for a Test package !, no going in prison !

> Can't help you with the Divx player. I was not even aware that there was a Divx plugin for Firefox. Still, I do not think I need one.

Ok !

For the other, i test again and again, and sorry but my affirmation on 1rst post are right and confirms.

> but Shockwave works here. What I did (more information in the wikiHow article I wrote on this)

You say > "Copy every file from the local plugins folder to the plugins folder on your USB device."

it was i say, you don't do a good and strict Test !

because sorry for you, but i test and i trace shockwave installation, and no is write in firefox directory, none in plugins, none in profile !

That you says is bad for shockwave, it's sure !

I can prove it :

1 - extract a clean firefox portable on usb stick
2 - install windows
3 - install shockwave (standart installation)
4 - connect your stick with last clean exactract of firefox portable
5 - Shockwave Work !


Shockwave work only if it install on the system, and IT'S YOUR CASE !

I do a trace of install, i copy file in c:\windows\system32\Adobe, and i extract good registry key.


I do a new install of windows again, i connect my firefox portable stick and test shockwave > IT DON'T WORK

Then i copy backup file in c:\windows\system32\Adobe, i insert goods registry key in registry, i connect my firefox portable stick, and test shockwave > IT WORK


Then i prove it what you say is a piece of sheat !

Sorry, but it's true !

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07

isloggedOk, it's not a bank hold up, relativize, it just for a Test package !, no going in prison !

Actually, if I were to do it, I'd just email it over. Not sure if that qualifies as redistribution, which is not permitted under the license. It's tricky, and they're very strict about it here. You don't go to prison for copyright violations unless it's something you do on a pretty big scale, anyway.

isloggedit was i say, you don't do a good and strict Test !

You're right, I can't do a test as strict as you're calling for. At least not any time soon. Even on days off, I'm busy. If I were planning on reinstalling Windows at home, I would do your test, but I'm not.

isloggedShockwave work only if it install on the system, and IT'S YOUR CASE !

It would seem that you are correct. I went to your test link you gave, in the IE installed on this computer, and it did report that Flash and Shockwave were installed. Didn't know that. Anyway, no reason to yell about it (using all caps).

isloggedThen i prove it what you say is a piece of sheat !

Again with the insults. At this point I can no longer help you - I wouldn't know how to portablize Shockwave if it really isn't. But I would suggest for those who can help you, you won't get very far accusing them of using recreational drugs, as in your first post, or dismissing their suggestions as "a piece of sheat" - no mistaking the meaning in that. (Not that I'm offended at all, it's amusing, at worst.)

Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 18:48
Thx for response again. for

Thx for response again.

for insults, first it wasn't a very big insult, in french it's an expression.
for seconds, yes it was a little insult, but again relativize, i loose often time cause mistake indication on others forum on the net. And make me angry at force !

So sorry for "piece of sheat", and thx for relativise.

For the rest, i m making a bachfile package for include shockwave and divxwebplayer on my firefox portable.

For divxwebplay i do and it seem work very well, for shockwave it seem in good way, i'm in !, bacth file seem the only way, because shockwave and divxwebplayer seem depend of registry key, and few files others as 2, or 3 dll to place in data\plugins

Good way for u

Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-13 09:09
First : Thanks for r

First : Thanks for response
> And someone cannot just email you their Firefox profile with all those plugins.
It's illegal to redistribute at least the Adobe stuff.
Ok, it's not a bank hold up, relativize, it just for a Test package !, no going in prison !
> Can't help you with the Divx player.
I was not even aware that there was a Divx plugin for Firefox.
Still, I do not think I need one.
Ok !
For the other, i test again and again, and sorry but my affirmation on 1rst post are right and confirms.
> but Shockwave works here.
What I did (more information in the wikiHow article I wrote on this)
You say > "Copy every file from the local plugins folder to the plugins folder on your USB device.
it was i say, you don't do a good and strict Test !
because sorry for you, but i test and i trace shockwave installation, and no is write in firefox directory, none in plugins, none in profile !
That you says is bad for shockwave, it's sure !
I can prove it :
1 - extract a clean firefox portable on usb stick
2 - install windows
3 - install shockwave (standart installation)
4 - connect your stick with last clean exactract of firefox portable
5 - Shockwave Work !
Shockwave work only if it install on the system, and IT'S YOUR CASE !
I do a trace of install, i copy file in c:\windows\system32\Adobe, and i extract good registry key.
I do a new install of windows again, i connect my firefox portable stick and test shockwave > IT DON'T WORK
Then i copy backup file in c:\windows\system32\Adobe, i insert goods registry key in registry, i connect my firefox portable stick, and test shockwave > IT WORK
Then i prove it what you say is a piece of sheat !
Sorry, but it's true !
Frank Verdin

Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-08-10 20:26

What version of shockwave are you having trouble with. I use currently V of the np32dsw.dll file.

And find I don't get the error when I got to the shockwave test page at adobe.

However the current version of shockwave is V for np32dsw.dll, apparently now used by director as well. If I try using this version of the file, the one you'd currently download from the shockwave install site, I get an error message telling me that "swdnld.exe" is missing from the plugins folder of my firefox portable.

The file swdnld.exe is not contained within either the Shockwave_Installer_Full.exe or the Shockwave_Installer_Slim.exe setup files which can currently be downloaded from adobe. Because of this I may be locked into V for shockwave.

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