I haven't been here for a while (though it feels like I was only gone for 11 months and 3 weeks), so I've lost my really cool ability to answer stuff in a flash. I finally got my new flash drive (Cruzer Titanium 16gb) and I really wanted to make a RocketDock/Menu solution. I would launch RocketDock and if I needed the menu (it gets complicated when there are so many unorganizable apps), I would run that as well from RocketDock. But sometimes if I want to do some lightweight stuff, and I don't have much time, I want to start something lightweight, say ASuite. Of course, like any lazy person, I'm lazy. I don't want to have to actually open my drive and click, way too much work.
So now I actually ask the question:
How do I put multiple entries on the autorun dialog?
Short Answer:
You don't
I once asked the question myself when i wanted geek.Menu and PortableApps Menu to show.
Long Answer:
and Compile it. You could use the GUI Creator and then have it load the icons and such.
Code it out of AutoHotkey (or something else
I guess even a BAT file would work.
And, welcome back!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Read here: https://portableapps.com/node/20553
So autorun.inf is history
Well, welcome back in business 8)
Yeah, but he's got a cruzer titanium, with u3.
Just use the u3 hack!
That's what I do, works perfectly on Windows 7 and Vista SP2.
I decided that I'll just use a
to launch a little menu app that I'll make in AHK eventually.I don't have a very good experience with the U3 hack, my last drive broke, and it had that hack on it...
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
... Doesn't repartitioning fix it?
The system doesn't even recognize it. Probably a controller failure. Man, I wish I had warranty on it.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
.... wow...
My u3 hacking went perfectly...