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VLC media player (1.0.2)

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-01-11 12:58
VLC media player (1.0.2)

Just thought to let you guys know that a new version been out for awhile now.

Change Log:

# Decoders:
* Native support for WMA Professional, without the use of the Win32 dlls
* Fix issues in subtitles, especially SSA ones
* Various fixes on theora and ogg

# Demuxers:
* Various fixes for EPG support in MPEG-TS demuxer
* Fixes for potential stack overflow in .avi, .mp4 and .asf demuxers

# Access:
* Fixes for v4l2 devices
* Fixes for dvb-c channels-scanning

# Qt Interface:
* Fix some playlist sorting issues

# Mac OS X Interface:
* Fixed a crash when updating VLC
* Fixed a crash related to QTKit when opening video files (10.6 only)
* Added the ability to play 2nd media in sync to the primary item (input-slave)
* Added the "Quit after Playback" feature

# Mac OS X Port:
* The "Delete Preferences" script is now delivered as a Universal Binary
with native code for PowerPC, Intel and Intel 64bit
* Full 64bit runtime compatibility on both Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6
- no support for Goom and SDL
- limited text rendering support
- This port is still considered as EXPERIMENTAL despite its binary release.

# Encoders:
* MPEG2 transrate stream output removed
* x264 default-values closer to x264.exe defaults.
* x264 rc-behaviour fixes:
- if user defines qp-value, CQP-mode is used
- otherwise if user defines vb=0, CRF-mode is used
- otherwise ABR-mode is used
* x264 set vbv-bufsize/vbv-maxsize better if user hasn't defined these:
- ABR mode set vbv-max-bitrate=bitrate
- vbv-bufsize is bitrate * seconds between keyframes (keyint/fps)

# Playlist:
* Lua scripts for Mpora and Vimeo playback

# Unix builds:
* Various fixes to enable 1.0 to build on Solaris and OpenBSD

# Translations:
* New Kazakh and Croatian translations
* Lithunanian translation is available on Windows
* Galician, Korean, Nepali, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Brazilian, Arabic and French translation updates

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
There's a post for outdated official apps

But VLC 1.0.2 has only been out for 2 weeks, that's not long at all...

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-09-11 12:24
And it has some security

And it has some security issues fixed too.

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