I have recently gotten my Google wave account and would love to see it work so if have one add me agdurrette[at].c0m
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can you give me a invite my email is scremingwhisper1720[at]gmail.c0m
i got my invite thanks guys
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
I thought Google lets the invites out all at once :?.
Either way, I didn't get one yet.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
invite from agdurrette not google
60\/\/ 2 /\/\3 4 1 4/\/\ 12007
bow to me for i am root
Let's make an exchange topic :D!!
And make it really intimate so only our closest friends here get them }:).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Good News I have a couple invites left if you want one reply here with your email
Also if you to have invites that your willing to give out let me know
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I'll take an invite :B zachary.thibeau{[at]}googlemail[dot]com
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I could use one!! Thanks.
keizer.oregon at gmail dot com
Find my email at: http://scr.im/digitxp
I got my invite! Who wants to make a portableApps public wave!
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Once I see your email address posted on here I will send you and email confirming the email address so there will be no mistake.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
well im waiting for 5 more people to reply to a confirmation email
if they don't reply in a couple days there will be 3 invites open
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I'll take one
garrettferret (at) hotmail.com
sorry i have run out if any one has any invites and would not mind handing them out please post hear.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I have 6 more invites. Please post here with your email and I will contact you about it.
Hi thanks for replying
I was not able to invite Oni-Neoxes ( garrettferret (at) hotmail.com )
also if you want add me agdurrette(a)gmail.c0m
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I have sent an invitation to garrettferret (at) hotmail.com
and I have added you to my googlewave account. If you want to add me (sogtwinster (at) gmail.com)
Send me an invite if you still have some: ve4jhj (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi, my email is gimfred[at]gmail.com. If you have another, I'd love one please.
i have sent all my invites out. For those of you that I have sent one out to on the page for sending invites it says "Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick."
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
probably why I haven't recieved anything yet in my gmail account
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
exzactly why
hope you receive it soon.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
After reading the Wikipedia article twice, I'm still not sure what all it's about. But, it sounds cool, and it's named after something from Firefly (which I've already been through, and am also currently watching with my wife -- well, we watch it on our nights off) so that's cool too. I'll take an invite if anybody's got them, and I'll pass along any I get as well.
5487717 [at] gmail [dot] com
well this topic has had more activity than i was thinking
Im going to try to make a php (with my little knowledge of php) script that will help hand out invites. If you would like to help with that let me know.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Im working on a web page to exchange invites http://wave.99k.org/
If you want to Help let me know.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Not to discourage you, but don't, dude.
Gmail invites were the biggest thing in, what, 2003? A year later everyone had 50 invites and you couldn't give 'em away. Next year Google gave everyone 99 or 100 (total, I think) and it turned into a farce.
Google does this to get people interested. Virtually everyone who really, really wants to get in finds a way before long. Those who are just mildly interested may wait a month or three, but get in eventually. And before you know it, every tech form has a Google invite sticky. And then, before you know it again, topics asking for or offering said invites become a bannable offense.
Certainly don't invest any money in it. I mean, if you think you can get some good advertising contracts and maybe *make* some money off of it, hey, more power to ya, but Google might not be too amused.
Just sayin'.
Im not going to try to make money off of it. Its not going to cost me any thing to do. I'm just doing it because I'm bored. It will be there for people that wont mind handing out invites. And it may or may not become something big and I don't care how it turns out. and it will give me something to do to work on my php skills
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Well, good luck and Godspeed then. Doing it to learn php is a great reason. I learned a little bit running an Invision board (in upgrading it and adding modifications, like the Arcade, mostly). I never learned enough to create anything, but it helped in reading the code at least.
Heck, if I don't get an invite in the next few days, I may hit up your site. If I do, thanks in advance. Either way, best of luck in learning php.
Google stopped giving out invites for a while.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
the people that were invited before they stopped can... I think.... well I was able to
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Can you send emails to wave accounts?
And now who has an invite?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
no you cant :/ i tried to but i got an error message back
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
well I have a working reCAPTCHA on the site. Next i will code something that when someone enters there info they will be sent an email confirming that it was received. After i get that working i will try to make it so it will send a link that you need to click to verify that email (I'm not yet sure how I will do that yet :/)
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Spam deleted by mod Tim
well the email nor the recaptcha is working :/ i changed the site to http://wave.me.pn/ because I cant use the mail() tag with the host i was using :/
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
well.... I failed at creating the web site
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Google Forms for when it counts ;).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
it was done but its not going to work :/
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
He sir/madame...
Kindly send me an invite if you still have any left... Thanks!
Hey... um... just wondering
If anybody has any invites left, please send me one. Thanks
what is your email?
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
heh, lol
bcheng.gt AT!!!! gmail.com (duh!)
And um... thanks
i will send you an confirmation email as soon as get on gmail
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
If anyone wants to add me i'm alpha1beta @ the google wave domain.
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
I just got 15 more invites so I now have 17 invites. If you want a google wave invite please use this link. Sign Up form
if you need more invites let me know
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Ok. I will do that.
Can't access it from here (work computer blocks Google Docs for some reason).
Can you add me via my email address? darkreality@gmail.com
i invited
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I'll have to look at it when I get home, seems like Wave is blocked here.
it might take a couple of days till google gets to you :/
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Oh yeah, that's right. They've got a lot of stamps to lick. That's funny.
I finally saw what Wave looks like. Ars Technica has an article about it. Apparently, it's a social networking/collaboration thing, with features common in MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook? Google had Orkut, but though I signed up, I never had much use for it. A network's success is purely based on participation, which is why I hope Google knows what they're doing with this invite system. I stopped using Facebook shortly after I started, because I only had three friends there, including my wife. Everyone was using MySpace. Now Facebook is getting big, everyone's signing up, so I went back and approved all the friend requests. So now the people who have MySpace and/or Facebook and/or Twitter might want Wave, but first they've gotta get invited.
I guess we can have ourselves a little group of PortableApps.com fans. Not sure what all we can do with it, but it'd be fun, I suppose. Maybe once I get done with NaNoWriMo, I can learn C++ or something, contribute in some way. (I'm not here because I'm slacking with NaNoWriMo, either; it's 3 hours in and I've already passed 1/30th of the 50,000 words they call for by 11:59pm on November 30, and the day ain't over yet.)
I say somebody makes a PortableApps Public Wave.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
any1 has invites left please invite me, i signed up on the form thing as well
Email: matthewfeuer@talktalk.net
Matthew Feuer
I have invited you. I sent you an email.
I used your form, but if it doesn't work, please add me: my portableapps username at gmail
I have sent an email to you saying I invited you.
Who wants to make portableapps public wave?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
i made one but nobody came
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I can't see it. When I search
with:public lang:en portable apps
there's none titledPortableApps Public Wave
.Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
o cool i did not know you could search like that :). and i guess i did not creat a public wave :/ i created a wave and invited people to it.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
ok i created and public wave
i think
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
If anyone has any invites I'd be interested.
my portableapps username at gmail
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
im sending a confirmation email to you now
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
if you have a google wave account put this in the search box and join the wave
with:public the portableapps public wave
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I hope John got one ;).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
me to
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
{{{{{Invite him}}}}}
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Im going to find his email and email him telling him that we would like to see him on Google wave
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Right there in black and whatever other colors he chose for his color scheme:
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
ya Im emailing that email right now
but i dont know what to say :/
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
:/ i emailed him.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
What did you say?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
"Hi John, This is agdurrette the one who created Google Wave topic on the Portableapps.com forums. I was wanting to know if you have a Google Wave account. If you do I have made a public wave and would love for you to come join us. If not I would be more than willing to invite you." :/
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Sorry to be the same as everyone else but if anyone has any invites could they add me on:
sure will i will sent you a confirmation email soon
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
(I wanted to play with the Google Chart APIs, boy are they fun.)
The Chance of John Appearing on Google Wave
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
does John even read look at the Off Topic Forum?
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
From what I hear, he spends his life on his phone and RSS feeds and the tracker, and the OT forum doesn't track.
Chance of John Appearing Here
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
i tried emailing him but he has not replied back
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Chance of John Replying Within the Next 5 Days
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Damn, I'm about lost with Wave.
Does anyone have a link to a decent guide? Google Help is pretty much rubbish.
I made a wave for myself, I'm still not really sure what Wave is FOR, so I figured, based on how it looks, that everyone, or at least a lot of people, will have a "personal wave", like a personal chat room or shout box, but with the added functionality Wave brings to the table. I see that I can invite others, but I don't see how to make it a public wave. I also don't see how I can link to it with a URL, e.g. from my blog.
Also, the PortableApps.com public wave is the only one I have. What all's out there? Seems like a directory would be in order.
Featured on LifeHacker a few days ago: http://lifehacker.com/5395376/the-complete-guide-to-google-wave-is-a-com...
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ya it is kinda confusing :/ im hoping Google will make it easer to use.
and like digitxp said take a look at it helped me allot http://completewaveguide.com/
I will make a wave and add you so i can show you some of the bots and gadgets and see if i can help out at all.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to join the public wave...does someone need to add me or something?
if so, it's {myportableappsusername}at{googlewave}dot{com}
You search for public waves by using this:
before whatever you want to serach for. The PortableApps.com Wave can be found like this:with:public portableapps
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Not recalling so clearly, but I'm pretty sure you just reply to a public wave to join. That makes you a participant, or a member, if you prefer. Then you can pretty much change anything, though anything can be rolled back, like a Wiki, and/or changes can be watched like a replay.
Thanks guys, I'm looking at that now. Loving the Firefly references. (Just got done watching that show for the second time; first time was by myself, second time was with my wife. And just yesterday I passed my copy along to my mother to enjoy. Such a great show.)
I'll look for that next time I get up there. Thanks. Wish it weren't blocked up here, but oh well, at least I can get on Wiki, YouTube, Hulu, and here. And Lifehacker -- you'd think with "hacker" in the name, it would set off the corporate filters, but it doesn't. And I know the filter here isn't just automatic -- one day I accessed the Elder Scrolls wiki at uesp.net, and it worked, the next day, it was blocked. GameFAQs is of course blocked (their forums are known to many to be a part of the body best not discussed of the Internet) but YouTube has become, among many other things, the best game guide on the Net. So the filter baffles me. Yet I don't complain. (And proxies are out of the question -- I play by the rules as best I can, whenever I can.)
We now have a wave for fun (the old wave) and one for serious talk only (the new one).
If you have a Google Wave account go to the new wave by searching for with:public portableapps.com public wave.
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Ok sent
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
The Portableapps.com Public Wave
The Portableapps.com Public Help Wave
The Portableapps.com Public Fun Wave
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
If possible, I wouldn't mind receiving a wave invite, if you do, please send a wave invite to:
bluegd @ aim . com (no spaces)
Thanks again!