i use rss reader Abilon, which is portable, but not in development anymore...
a like feedreader too, but he has one big handicap: not portable app!
can anyone how to make feedreader portable?
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Greatnews is a fantastic reader and it's portable:
Just download the Zip
They did a survey on one of the sites I'm subscribed to recently:
Greatnews seems to be used by a lot of people in some circles yet most people have never heard of it
Despite you thinking it's only an e-mail client, Thunderbird via Portable Thunderbird is also an RSS news reader.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Blog]
FeedReader apparently writes to the Application Data folder on a person's harddrive, so it cannot be made portable without messing with some variables that have proven to be dangerous to mess with.
I've tried that GreatNews which doesn't look too bad but I prefer the simplified UI of FeedReader. It has it just right and also allows you to configure how many items to store, and where to locate attachments such as images etc locally.
I think FeedReader would be fantastic if it were made portable and i'm sure it can be done some way. Even the previous version maybe? At least to start with as the source code is available.
- Keir
Online Feed Readers.
If you just want portable news, check out my site, PortaBlog (link in signature).
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
If you have a Google account (if not, ask for an invite, I'm sure you will be provided) then you can access Google Reader, which is a simple but effective RSS and Atom feed reader.
Google Reader
Online feed readers are kind of a dumb idea, IMO. I always thought the whole point of RSS was that you didn't have to go on the web to find out if your favorite website has been updated. If you have to go to Google's site, then you could just as easily go to the website(s) you want to check updates for.
fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
Good point.
Mind you PortaBlog organises them all together.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
....or you could go to one website that you are already using for your mail and other things. I always thought that the whole point of RSS was to have all of your new web content in one place.
An RSS feed typically doesn't include content, just a preview (usually in the form of an article title) of content. So no, you don't have "all your Web content in one place."
fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
I used to use FeedReader, but got annoyed by it's writing to the Apps directory.
I changed to http://www.rssowl.org/ which is java based.
Only 1 minor change is required to make it write it's config locally:
@echo off
..\cmdow\cmdow @ /hid
..\jre1.5.0_06\bin\java -jar -Duser.home=. -Djava.library.path=. .\rssowl.jar
..\cmdow\cmdow @ /vis
It's the "-Duser.home=." bit thats important.
Opera is a Webbrowser, Email-Client and Feedreader all in one. There is a great portable version on http://www.kejut.com/operaportable