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Calling all Europeans!

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Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22
Calling all Europeans!

So it is looking more and more likely that I will be going to FOSDEM in February next year (6th – 7th), and I would love there to be a presence. There are three ways in which we could do this:

  1. A stand. This is the most difficult organisationally, but possibly the best way to spread the goodness. To do this we will need commitments from people that they can help man it and we will have to be able to cover the stand for the whole weekend
  2. A lightning talk. This is a 15 minute talk about a project, I would be quite happy to do this but if anyone else is interested that would be great too. This could also be done as well as a stand.
  3. Neither a talk or a stand, just mingle. Least chance of spreading the word but the least organisational worries.

Feedback as soon as possible would be good, if we want a stand or a talk we would have to apply fairly soon. Thanks in advance!