I believe the only way to update your launcher would be to just download the most current PFF, or what have you. To stay up on that, I suggest you subscribe to the RSS feeds for the apps. Clicking on one of the live bookmarks will take you to the news release, and from there, you can go directly to the said app's download page.
Actually, I had an Update announcer, but I couldn't be stuffed to finish it so the code turned into the code for Libertà's Update module.
I am evil.
R McCue PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
NSIS is almost a full programming language. You can do almost anything with it now, and since it was originally designed to make program installers, you compile your script to an .exe rather than having to distribute a runtime, which is nice.
- fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus] I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
How do I start making things with it? I downloaded NSIS 2.17 from nsis.sourceforge.net and HM NIS Edit. (I won't use them until I get home; I'm at the library now). I haven't been able to find an overall guide. I have experience with Java, so I have at least basic programming skills and knowledge of its concepts. I'd like to start making launchers for my other portable apps. I'll definitely look at John's source files for the apps here.
Use NSIS and I use HM NIS Edit to edit/make NSI source files. Or you could use Notepad.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Can you make links for updated launchers? I auto-update Fx and TB, so I may have a terribly outdated launcher with an up-to-date Fx and TB.
What do you mean?
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I believe the only way to update your launcher would be to just download the most current PFF, or what have you. To stay up on that, I suggest you subscribe to the RSS feeds for the apps. Clicking on one of the live bookmarks will take you to the news release, and from there, you can go directly to the said app's download page.
Actually, I had an Update announcer, but I couldn't be stuffed to finish it so the code turned into the code for Libertà's Update module.
I am evil.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
But not up to Bruce's level yet.

Submitted by rmccue on June 16, 2006 - 8:29pm.
Use NSIS and I use HM NIS Edit to edit/make NSI source files. Or you could use Notepad.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
It's a sort of scripting language.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
PortaBlog is now officially out of beta!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Can one use NSIS to make launchers for basically any app on a portable drive?
NSIS is almost a full programming language. You can do almost anything with it now, and since it was originally designed to make program installers, you compile your script to an .exe rather than having to distribute a runtime, which is nice.
fatcerberus@yahoo.com [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.
How do I start making things with it? I downloaded NSIS 2.17 from nsis.sourceforge.net and HM NIS Edit. (I won't use them until I get home; I'm at the library now). I haven't been able to find an overall guide. I have experience with Java, so I have at least basic programming skills and knowledge of its concepts. I'd like to start making launchers for my other portable apps. I'll definitely look at John's source files for the apps here.
Take a look at the NSIS help files and readmes. I used the manual to learn all I needed to. It is very informative.
Deuce {The Core}{Dev Blog}
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
Portable Software: Just the beginning.