Application: PDF-XChange Viewer
Category: Office
License: Freeware
Language: Multilingual
Description: Those wishing to view PDF files on their Windows PC's now have a choice - PDF-XChange Viewer is smaller, faster and more feature rich than Adobe Reader, which has until now been the reader of choice for PDF files.
Download PDF-XChange Viewer Portable 2.xx Dev Test 6 [1+8MB download / 19MB installed]
(MD5: FCC8BF65C3FAD11E55B60BF966C48C7B)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Download Help for PDF-XChange Viewer Portable 1.x Dev Test 1 [1+7MB download / 7MB installed]
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Download OCR for PDF-XChange Viewer Portable 1.x Dev Test 1 [1+8MB download / 20MB installed]
(MD5: 9E770843B6B55BEB45D9AF34EEE8675D)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Release Notes:
2.xx Dev Test 6 (2012-01-04):
- Fix for stamps being left on the local machine.
Plugins (2011-12-16):
- Added plugins for help file & new OCR feature.
2.xx Dev Test 5 (2011-11-24):
- Updated to PAL 2.1.2.
- Added default "Export To Image/Destination Folder" directory (clean install only).
2.xx Dev Test 4 (2011-07-07):
- Updated to PAL 2.1.
- Added path portability.
- Added default "Downloads" and "Save As" directories (clean install only).
- Language selection now works without the (PA) menu.
- Added appicon_128.png.
- Updated links in help file.
2.xx Dev Test 3 (2010-03-06):
- Fix for HKLM reg key being left behind.
2.xx Dev Test 2 (2010-03-04):
Language and drive switching added thanks to Gringoloco
2.xx Dev Test 1 (2010-03-03):
- ZIP file directory structure has changed so files were extracted to wrong location. Fixed.
Still can't figure out how it saves the path and language settings
:-( Dev Test 1 (2009-11-26): Initial release
Known Issues:
No drive or language switching.
Tested with:
XP Home SP3 (Admin)
Thanks Prapper. I've been hoping for this one. Hope Docu-Track take a peek at it and decide to give permission for it to have the binaries packaged with it.
Cheers Advocate
gives me this...
(ERROR: PDFXCview.exe could not be found)
Looks like they changed the structure of the ZIP. The extracted files will be in the main "App" directory so you can just move them into "App\PDFV_Portable".
Thanks for reporting this. Fixed now.
See release notes for changes.
I had a look at the settings file, for the drive switching.
It is one of the real horrible settings files, I just can't figure out at all how it is saving anything in this file and I tried several approached ! (sorry)
As well I thought maybe it would be an option to use the installer, instead of the portable version. But the installer can't be extracted by 7-zip. But even if it did, the installed version uses the registry heavily. Still you could have a small chance it would be possible. I'll do some more testing and keep you informed.
Anyway, did you try contacting the developer, to ask what his portable version of PDF-XchangeViewer does to create this (REALLY AWKWARD) settings file ?
[edit: some good news, if you delete Portable.dat the app will use the registry for it's settings and you are able to update the drive-letters, and
probablythe language!][edit(again): found the lang value
This was for Dutch, you can probably get the launcher to read the language .xml config, to get the language ID's]
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Great detective work there! Thanks, consider it done
See release notes for changes.
He super, it's a really nice app.
A view things:
1. I just realize now looking at your source code,
as I said the lang-ID forif you convert the hexadecimal lang-ID to decimal, it equals the PAM 'LocaleID' environment variable.2. A minor thing, but if you include logiclib.nsh, why not use it!
3. Hope you're into getting this official one day, but otherwise it would be a nice tester for PAL as well ?
Ps.: Do not feel obliged to update immidiatly, there is no need to for these small changes 
OK, all working but PAL doesn't back up & restore any local reg entries. Is that right?
Sorry for the late reply, my internet connection is giving up on me this morning !
But I got to download the latest PAL update.
HKLM does back-up and restore on my side, but PAL uses a new place for the back-ups:
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Right, got it. Well, it looks like we're ready to go then. I'll give it another quick test and then upload it.
See release notes for changes.
I tried this fine application and it works great, but i noticed something strange.
In the portable version provided by the maker of this software there is a file called portable.dat but with your installer this file is not in the app directory.
My question is this done by your design? maybe this missing file is the cause of all the registry entry's in your 2 reg files that are included in the installer.
So maybe if you added this file all the reg files are not needed anymore? (correct me if i'm wrong).
2e question is can you make a updated installer? or perhaps can i update the installed version?
3e question is this going to be officially released?
From further up the page:
So the answer is yes, it's by design.
If you re-run this installer it'll download the latest version. Having said that, as this was from the early (ish) days of PAL, I'll updated the package.
Hmm, probably not
See release notes for changes.
Thank you very much for the explanation. I understand why you made it this way.
Thanks again for the new version and keep up portable apps
Thanks for working on this! I just tested the find speed of Acrobat X, Sumatra, Evince, FoxIt, and PDFXCview and PDFXCview smoked the rest. As in it was up to 40x (yes forty times) faster finding a text string in a 23588 page pdf than the others except for FoxIt which was maybe 40% slower than PDFXCview. FoxIt takes a long time to just open the file compared to every other reader though. PDFXCview is by far the fastest for finding and it opens the pdf quickly. Plus, it has all the annotation features I want to add text, very nice. I look forward to the final PortableApps version. Thanks! jxf011
See release notes for changes.
Great work!
I found the PDf-Xchange viewer an excellent and very fast application.
Would love to see this become an official PA app!
Found a bug for you:
Stamps are saved in %APPDATA%\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange Viewer\2.0\Stamps
To reproduce: Tools>Comment And Markup Tools>Show Stamps Palette>New Collection, then From Image or From PDF
Yes, that is a bit of a bug. I can't find a way to redirect that location though so the only solution I can see is to actually move the folder. I'll upload a new version tomorrow. Thanks for reporting.
See release notes for changes.
the best pdf viewer ever!!
cant wait to be added officially in portable apps platform so to have auto updates
(if will ever happen) :-)))
foxit deleted!
I can also confirm the opinion of the member Noaven. Insofar I can not quite understand, why this terrific app is not already become an official release
What they said.
Use Sumatra as primary but for anything beyond basic viewing XChange is the GO Advocate
Is it ready for an official release?
I'd be happy to get this up as official if we can get permission from the publisher to bundle it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
If it uses an online installer, does it still need the publisher's permission to "bundle it?" Doesn't it work like Chrome Portable &, if so, did Google have to give permission for you to do that? Just asking so I can learn something here...
We use online installer for very specific cases only. jPortable, for instance, Oracle specifically asked us to do an online installer. For an app like this, we need to get publisher permission to bundle it or ask if they are ok with an online installer.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Never been good at writing these requests but here it is:
Hi Tracker and Co.
I'm writing as I have been using a Format (PAF) version of PDF XChange Viewer for some years now and found it an essential utility for my studies.
I am writing to request your permission for to release an official PDF XChange Viewer Portable package that includes the binaries.
Please note is a Free and Open Source project. For more information about the project please visit
Note I am posting this email in the forum thread to advise the users that the request has been made.
We look forward to your response
"Live to learn. Learn to live." J.W.S. Advocate
Didn't expect such a fast response but see below
Many thanks Stefan.
I'll email you a link to the download page once it is setup in case you want to add to your website.
Thanks again
"Live to learn. Learn to live." J.W.S.
On 30 November 2012 02:17, Stefan Dzhukelov wrote:
Hello Horusofoz,
I’ve just discussed the below with our CEO, and he says that it’s perfectly fine with us if creates such a PAF version of our Viewer – as long as it is the free version of the same!
Kind Regards,
Stefan Dzhukelov
Support Manager Europe
Tracker Software Products
Tel +44 20 8503 8711
Fax +1 250 324 1623
From: Horusofoz []
Sent: 29 November 2012 09:54
Subject: PDF XChange Viewer Portable
Hi Tracker and Co.
I'm writing as I have been using a Format (PAF) version of PDF XChange Viewer for some years now and found it an essential utility for my studies.
I am writing to request your permission for to release an official PDF XChange Viewer Portable package that includes the binaries.
Please note is a Free and Open Source project. For more information about the project please visit
Note I am posting this email in the forum thread to advise the users that the request has been made.
We look forward to your response
"Live to learn. Learn to live." J.W.S. Advocate
This was a really very commendable decision to finally get permission
You are awesome as a duck.
I am so using that phrase...
Nice work.
I have a paid licence for PDF X-Change Viewer PRO. I've been using Tracker Software's 'portable' version for a couple of years and their installed version prior to that. It's a great product.
One quick question: how does this PA version differ from the Tracker Software portable version? Is it just down to PA packaging or does it do something more 'portable' than Tracker's portable version?
Thanks in advance.
GrahamG, UK
Cambridge, UK
There is no difference regarding the offered features between the original Tracker Software portable version and the portable version, which you can download via this website here.
Any chance of an official release in time for Christmas now that we have permissions from the author? Advocate
Is there any progress? Maybe someone should take this project over to release it official
I have 2 questions, which are directed to both on John and prapper.
@John: Some time ago you have mentioned, that in the case of a permission you would like to offer this program as an official release. A short time later the member horusofoz has offered the required permission on 30.11.2012. Did you overlooked that?
@prapper: Are you interested to develop the portable version further?
Can I interpret your "no answer" reaction, that you've stoped the further development of your created portable version?
I've prepped the current version for final release. I'll likely upload it today and post it Monday or Tuesday.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Firstly thanks for your decision to release this wonderful app. Of course I will contribute to the further maintenance of this app. In the meantime I have looked at the code of the file custom.nsh of the developed version by prapper. Surely would it be a nice supplement, if he can report here something about his reasons for the development of this code.
I developed a new custom.nsh that doesn't hard-code the directories used. It uses a finder path in custom.nsh to find the proper PA.c Documents directory and sets the environment variable (as used in multiple other apps now) and then does a first run replace on the .reg from DefaultData. That way an end user can select another directory if they want and it'll still be portablized. The other bit was a bit of a hack for language switching. I'm using PAL's built-in one now.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Make this great app official, please
John, did this ever get posted for download? I didn't see it but maybe I'm just missing it. Thanks!
I've now started with the development of a new portable version. On the website of the publisher will offered a zip version "". After extraction among the extracted files and folders there is a file named portable.dat. And in this file portable.dat will be saved the settings of the app. But there is a fundamental problem regarding the access to the file portable.dat (it's impossible). Especially it's therefore a little bit complicate, how must be adapted the languages for automatic switching in the menu. The same issue occurs with respect to the changing of drive letter.
Of course I've read the conversation between prapper and Mark Sikkema to this topic in this thread here. But it's not completely helpful for me. Has anyone here a better idea for a possible solution?
Yes. As discussed above, if you delete portable.dat, the settings are saved in the registry, and you have access to them that way instead. Why reinvent the wheel?
Ok you seem to have right, because there is currently no other way for solving the issue.
This app is already done, but it was delayed for release as it's a large freeware app which means I have to pay to host it. So it wasn't released in July. It'll be released soon, though.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Accordingly this means, that I doesn't need to develop a new version. But I want remember you, that you want create a new file custom.nsh. However, I would participate in the future development of this release.
Maybe you already thought this through but why don't let the developer host the app ?
But there is a further issue by removing of the file portable.dat. You yourself have pointed to a problem with the use of stamps in the program (see here). Insofar I believe that here are also some other issues caused by the usage of special menu items in the app. From this perspective it would of course be better, if the file portable.dat would not removed.
Get this app released soon please. Thanks
Any news on the release yet?
I'll now indeed start with the development of an actual version. But please wait a little bit, because I've currently not enough time due to my work and some other private things.
Is the hosting problem solved? Can't wait until it's official released.
Are there any changes other than pointing to the real URL, etc? If not, I can release it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
In the past I haven't analyzed in detail the portable version which was developed by prapper. Especially the handling of the automatic switching of the language in the menu should be checked. The same applies to the change of drive letters after moving to another PC.
But I'll take a look in the older version of prapper in the next days.
Honestly, what a palaver.
....still no official release? If something is not working then post a new Dev Test at least. Thanks
everything is slowed down as per site header
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The last post here is over 2 month old. It could have been done by then before your surgery.
P.S. When will the slowdown end?
When he feels like it.
I can't predict when I would get over the winter cough and cold, let alone what John went through.
He will be ready when he is ready.
If at first you do not succeed, use more sticky tape.
I'd put this on the bottom of my list, given your snarky & demanding tone rather than asking nicely. Didn't your parents teach you how to say please?