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Sugerencia/Suggestion about icons

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Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-27 17:51
Sugerencia/Suggestion about icons


Quisiera sugerir el poder poner en carpetas los iconos de las aplicaciones que tengo instaladas, ademas de poder renombrarlas, esconderlas, ordenar los iconos y ademas me gustaria poder encontrar la forma de enlazar otra aplicación fuera de la carpeta "".

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I would suggest to put the icons in folders of the applications that I installed, plus you can rename, hide, sort the icons and I'd like to find a way to link other applications outside the folder

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Thank you.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
Some answers

1. I would suggest to put the icons in folders of the applications that I installed, 2. plus you can rename, hide, sort the icons
3. and I'd like to find a way to link other applications outside the folder

1. Are you talking about categories of applications in the menu? That's being done, but maybe not in the next release yet.
2. The current 2.0 beta release, and the earlier 1.5 release, allow you to rename and hide icons. Icons are sorted alphabetically, but you can "pin" favorite apps to the top of the menu, and with some creative renaming, you can have the apps sort themselves.
3. There are a lot of ways to link to applications that are in the PortableApps folder, but since the menu is intended for Portable use, it doesn't have the ability to link to apps installed on the machine.

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