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Liberta, Other Apps on Vista

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Liberta, Other Apps on Vista

Well, I'm on for Windows Vista Beta 2, and have spent a couple hours testing apps.



-Autorun.INF, Backup, Sync, and Log were tested.

-All ran without a hitch.
-Backup works with both zip and 7z formats.
-Sync was tested with two new test catagories, and worked great.
(NOTE: Steve, maybe a refresh button for the categories after changing them, as it requires a restart to see changes/additions.)

-John T. Haller's Portable Appy Goodness Wink

-Portables: Abiword, Firefox, Thunderbird, Gaim, Miranda, FileZilla, OO.o excluding base (not tested), VLC, SciTE, ClamWin, GIMP.

-All worked fine


-Misc Other Apps: EssentialPIM, HydraIRC, FoxIt PDF Reader, FastStone Image Viewer, A43 File Manager, GetDiz, NotePad++, Portable Notepad2, KeePass, SpyBot S&D, PortableNSIS, CyberShredder, Portable Norton Partion Magic v8.05 (Find it yourself, I legally own partition magic and I'm not sharing.)

-Not Working - Various Issues-

(Misc. Apps)

Portable wxDev-Cpp, CPU-Z (partially works), PC-Wizard, Portable Scribus, NVU ( , Sunbird (, Portable Wackget.

If you want any portable apps tested post them here (links) and I'll try em out.

By the by:
Vista looks good, very "pretty" but takes away a *LOT* of user control. Very Dumbed Down.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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I tested Vista but uninstalled it the same day because it's still clearly a beta (not to mention it slowed down my computer to no end, even with a gig of RAM). Which is unusual for Microsoft, because usually their second betas are very close in appearance and functionality to the final release. In any case, it's probably not so much "dumbed down" as much as "everything has been moved around to make things easier for newbies." Everyone complained about the same thing when XP came out, but it turns out XP isn't any less flexible than previous versions. You just have to know where to look for the advanced stuff.

Besides, if I wanted "omg I can do anything" God-like power over my operating system, I'd install Linux.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.

Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago
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While I agree with the linux

While I agree with the linux statement, Everything seems to controlled in Vista. I prefer to be able to do somethings without MS and they don't seem to like that.

You tried it, btw, so is there a way to turn off that User account protection? I haven't checked into that yet. SO FREAKIN ANNOYING! Every little action has to be confirmed, sometimes twice. That is also one of my main problems. I only played around with vista for about 3 hours, but felt that I should be able do to a LOT of things, without having to get help or permission from MS.

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Bruce Pascoe
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Yep. That was one of the first settings I found. Go into User Accounts (or whatever the name of the control panel applet is in Vista), click your account (the interface is similar to XP's), and somewhere in there is an option to turn off User Account Control.

UAC should work more like Linux, where it asks for the root password once, and remembers it for as long as you're doing administrative work. After 5-10 minutes of not doing any admin operations, the OS will "forget" the root password. By the way, you're not "asking permission from Microsoft"--that's just conspiracy theory talk. You're giving the OS permission to carry out the operation, in case an unknown program (say, a virus) is trying to access admin-only functionality. The idea wasn't bad; it's the poor implementation that sucks.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.

Ryan McCue
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"...conspiracy theory..."

Where? *looks around*
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Didn't you hear, MS is evil.

Didn't you hear, MS is evil. Heheh. Okay, Badly worded on my part. I was referring to it asking to connect to microsoft for a solution. (never found one for anything)

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(Brought to you by Firesomething.)

Bruce Pascoe
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Yeah, well Vista's still in beta, so they probably haven't made the "solutions" website yet. I really don't see what the difference between the "find the solution" feature and your normal, everyday Help is. It's just an updated way of doing it.

Don't you know, everything's wired these days. I'd rather it wasn't, but hey, what are you going to do?

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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Ryan McCue
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Everything's wired. Including wireless. What about the wires inside the card, fools?
*walks away mumbling*
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Bruce Pascoe
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I think you know what I meant. "Wired" is slang for "connected to the Internet," dontCHA know. Biggrin

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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Ryan McCue
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I know

I'm just being technical Wink
I'm actually on wireless at the moment. My modem/router is downstairs.
R McCue
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Bruce Pascoe
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My setup is just the reverse. My DSL modem & wireless router combo are connected directly to my desktop PC via Ethernet, and my laptop is downstairs with a PCMCIA Wi-Fi card in it.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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Ryan McCue
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but my front door is upstairs. This is actually our old desktop, while our new one is downstairs.
R McCue
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"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Bruce Pascoe
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Wait, did you just say your front door is upstairs? What the heck kind of house do you have?

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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Steve Lamerton
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Guessing one with a basement Wink


Steve Lamerton

Bruce Pascoe
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Yeah, I thought about that afterwards. My house doesn't have a basement (for shame!), so I typically think "second floor" when I hear "upstairs."

Though, on second thought... Wi-Fi doesn't deal well with concrete walls (like, for example, house foundations). I wonder how he even gets a signal on the "upstairs" computer...

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.

Ashes for Tears
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Not so many problems...

When your house is built into a hill like mine. I have to enter on the 'second' floor; we all live (and surf) on the 'third' floor, and the office (including a wireless), and library are in the basement. The back of the house mostly has windows through all the floors, so only 3/4 of the walls downstairs are concrete.


Ryan McCue
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I'm on a slope.
It's not really a basement though.
Oh, and my flooring on top of the concrete is click-wood-boards. The ones that fit together.
R McCue
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El Salvador
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If you want any portable

If you want any portable apps tested post them here (links) and I'll try em out.
Can you test ASuite ( on Vista? I'm curious, but I have not Vista. Biggrin

Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago
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I could I suppose. I'd have

I could I suppose. I'd have to reinstall Vista, something I've been debating. But I'd rather wait for a more stable/hardware compatible release. It's buggy as hell with some of my hardware (Intel High-Def Audio/ATI RadeonX1600/My TV Tuner). I might give it a try later today.

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