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GIMP 2.6.8 doesn't work on Windows 2000?

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Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
GIMP 2.6.8 doesn't work on Windows 2000?

Have downloaded few times the new gimp 268 today, the file looks OK so far.
It does install normal, but when trying to run it, nothing big happends.

Worse , it does interfere with the portable apps plattform somehow, this one appears after an attempt to run gimp 268 only as black square.

This all on w2k, have no XP at this moment here to check it.

Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
definitely no work

have installed all on clean stick, fresh download, checked md5, all ok, install ok, but lauching does not work, no process started , simply nothing happends on my w2k here. all fine with 267.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

ceciliaFX's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2007-04-24 14:18
yes, there seems to be a problem with win2000

I just installed this GIMP 2.6.8 on a flash drive that did not have any version of gimp on it. tried it on my win 2000. nothing. no opening window. access on the drive (the light flashes) but no program starts.

I then booted into my XP, started GIMP, comes up quickly.

I happen to be testing a laptop with windows7 at the moment so I inserted the flash in that, started GIMP. starts up no problem.

not sure what the issue with win2000 is, but it's only with that OS

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Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
tnx for test

I am at my holiday place in swiss mountains, and have only my small w2k laptop with me. Until now all seemed to work with w2k, except some complex thigs like virtualbox etc.

What you describe is exactly what I did observe. Some traffic going on the usb port, but just very short peak in CPU usage on task manager, no process in task manager started, could be problem with the gimp itself missing some system components.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
fox xp and more only?

I had quick look on the website of gimp, the download files there say they are for windows XP-SP2 or higher.

Hmm, not nice of the guys, I thought w2k is still valid OS.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

ceciliaFX's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2007-04-24 14:18
well, that IS annoying

I mean, yeah I have a multi boot system which includes XP and windows 2000 (and Ubuntu) I have easy access to GIMP in all of those OS's, but I guess my win2000 will never be updated
oh well

"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 1 min ago
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Not Surprising

This isn't really surprising. A lot of software is dropping support for it. Windows 2000 usage has been nosediving. It's down to only 0.62% of folks online (just edging out the iPhone and Java Mobile Edition phones). And its Extended Support phase ends July 13, 2010. So in 193 days, Windows 2000 is a dead OS like Windows 95, 98 and Me. Security issues will go unpatched from that point on. And really no one will support it anymore.

I believe Firefox 3.6 drops Windows 2000 support. It still works on Windows 2000, but Mozilla is no longer testing or supporting the OS. That was the plan, anyway. They may switch that to Firefox 4.0 instead. We'll know when it's released what they're doing.

On a related note, I have confirmed this issue. The standard GIMP installer will error on run on Windows 2000 and say that it requires Windows XP SP2 or later to operate. GIMP itself will show an error "The application failed to initialize properly" on run. GIMP Portable the error doesn't show due to it being run from NSIS' ExecWait.

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Yeah it seems already a long

Yeah it seems already a long time Win200 is not taken into account. I remember a game that would threw an error because one DLL was 'out of date' but a surprising fix: copy the DLL from Open Office made the game to work on Win2000. Unfortunately most applications would not be so 'easily' fixed. Thus using an old version of an application is the only option for Win2000 users.

Chris Morgan
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ExecWait side-effect?

I don't see why being run through ExecWait would cause the "application failed to initialize properly" message box to not occur; why exactly is that the case?

My Dad makes sure he supports Windows 2000 with his WaterSums software due to the market he's targeting... and he develops primarily on Windows 2000 himself. In my opinion, if something works completely on an operating system which is still used at all, you may as well label it as a supported OS... until it needs extra support Blum

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 1 min ago
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Dunno, Nope

I don't know why, but it prevents Windows error messages from showing up. I think it's just because one process is calling another.

On Windows 2000, Mozilla's rationale is that they're not doing anything specific to break support for it... nor are they including any XP and up-sepcific features. But they don't want to go through the time and expense of doing full testing on Windows 2000 setups anymore. And, as its userbase is quickly shrinking, you can't really blame them. That's the reasoning behind it still working on Win2K but not listing it as a supported OS.

2010 will be the year Windows 2000 dies. As Microsoft drops support for it in July, you'll find most companies won't bother to officially support their software on it any longer (though much of it will still run just fine). Microsoft really began its end of life a while ago... the .NET framework dropped Windows 2000 (3.0 and 3.5 don't even run on it) and IE 7 and up don't run on it either.

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that could be done much better

well, I am not that fond of the kids taking the latest free compiler by MS to bundle their stuff, not thinking a second about side-effects (and by that supporting upgrade-policies of the OS-monopolist).
well John, at actual you have a good chance to rethink your position (I am sure, Dotnet 3 is not needed for anything within Gimp)


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 1 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
GIMP Itself

It's not my position, GIMP itself dropped Windows 2000 support, so there's nothing we can do about that. Mozilla will soon, too. Many other projects already have and others will soon follow.

It doesn't matter at all what my position is. If you're curious, all the stuff I make still works on Windows 2000 and I even test on it. But, the decision has been made by thousands of developers and companies around the world to drop Windows 2000 support.

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Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
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Even Microsoft

MS themselves are desupporting windows 2000 as of July 13th 2010 (the July patch tuesday will be the last with security fixes for it).

Which means that if you are still on Windows 2000, and connected to the internet, life after that point could get a whole lot more interesting Sad

But given that the base OS is going out of extended maintenance, it is only understandable really that 3rd party developers are also dropping it.

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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I had the same issues. Good

I had the same issues. Good luck with that because I absolutely could not get Gimp running on Windows 2000. No real point to do it anyways. Run it on xp.

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