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Can the 'VLC Portable player' do this ?

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Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-16 12:18
Can the 'VLC Portable player' do this ?

I would be grateful if anyone can tell me if the following is possible with the 'VLC Portable player' and if so, how I should set it up to get the desired effect.

I’ve created an AVI video file, that I wish to play (from a CD) at its original 100% video quality, in full screen mode.

My AVI video was recorded on a PC, with a PC's Screen resolution of 800x600.
My AVI file was also created at the full Screen resolution of 800x600.

So I wish to include the 'VLC Portable player' and my Video on the CD, so that the video will 'autoplay' upon inserting the CD into any PC's CD player… that the video will automatically start playing at its original 100% video quality, in full screen mode.
ie: so that my video occupies the whole of the screen WITHOUT the player being visible !

When this video is playing in the PC's CD player, I also need to be able to:
go-back, go-forward or pause the video, and toggle back & forth, between the video, and any other software programs, or PC set-up screens etc, that may be open... it's important that the player keeps the video at its original 100% video quality, and in the full screen mode, when doing this.
So that my video occupies the whole of the screen WITHOUT the player being visible !

It would also be desirable that the video can; go back, go-forward or Pause,
when played in a conventional CD player attached to a TV.

Many thanks

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-21 19:12
Some clarification is required

You use the terms "CD" and "CD player" several times.
While it is possible to burn an AVI file directly to a CD, it is also possible to encode it as VCD, which behaves like a DVD.

In the first case, you should be able to configure a CD to play on a computer's CD drive.
However, to play it on a TV without a computer, you need to encode the file as a VCD or DVD, and play it on a DVD player, since conventional CD players do not play video.

So did you mean "conventional DVD player attached to a TV"? And is the file on a DVD or CD?

Considering that most computers nowadays have CD-R/DVD-R drives, your best bet would be to put it onto a DVD.

In that case, you may be able to create a mixed-mode DVD, that contains the file both as a conventional DVD format and also has the VLC files on it. Then you can set up an autorun* that starts VLC with a command-line to run in full-screen mode. The tricky part will be getting VLC Portable to start with the command-line options.

As for the controls, VLC can handle the DVD as any normal DVD player would when run on a computer. There is full set of keyboard shortcuts to control VLC. Toggling back and forth: Just use Alt+Tab, like you would with any other application.

When playing it on a conventional DVD player, VLC will not be used. Just use the controls on the DVD player IRL.

I highly suggest you get DVD-RW media for your experiments, so you don't end up with a stack of coasters!

And, welcome to Portable Apps!

*Autorunning a disc is an ancient art that is much discussed on Google.

I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
What Solanus Said

It seems like you have two distinct needs, which afaik requires two distinct solutions:

1. something to play fullscreen video on a PC automatically.
2. something to play fullscreen video on a conventional DVD player automatically.

While both can be done separately, combining them proves more challenging, although I don't think impossible. However, conventional DVD players can't load software, so you absolutely cannot make your own miniature portable apps DVD. As Solanus said, to solve number 2 you're going to have to convert your video into a standard format such as DVD, VCD, SuperVCD etc and rely on the controls of the DVD player itself.

Again, echoing Solanus, hopefully you can create some kind of "mixed mode" CD/DVD that can store the computer data and regular DVD player, playable data.

How long is the video that you have?

BTW, is it imperative that your video stays in 800 by 600? Because if so, then good luck. That is not a standard TV resolution.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-01-16 12:18
OK... I'll try to clarify...

OK, thank you both for your input, I'll try to clarify.

OK lets keep this simple, replace 'CD' in my original post, and read 'disk' instead.

and for now, forget playing them on a TV...

and so, I wish to play these disks from a PC disk player.


These particular recording are of the whole PC screen.
The PC's Screen resolution was set to 800 by 600.
My AVI file was created without compression, so without ANY loss of picture size or picture detail.

The recordings were made using the Camtasia software.
I can use the Camtasia-player, to play back these recordings.
So they look just like the original, ie;
filling the whole screen.
in their original screen resolution of 800 by 600.
and without compression, so NO loss of picture size or picture detail.

So, I could put the Camtasia-player on a disk + my AVI recording + an autorun.inf file,
and upon insertion, the disk would start playing the video automatically, as required...


The players toolbars would be at the very top of the screen, with the video below.

And to remove these toolbars, I would then have to manually set the player to full-screen.
And... I would have to manually set the player to full-screen...
EVERYTIME I toggled back-and-forth from this player to other screens.

So, if I use the VLC-player instead of the CP:
Can the VLC player be pre-set, so that it will always;
start playing at full-screen.
without the player being visible.
and at the original recordings resolution, ie without compressing the video, and loosing ANY picture size or picture detail ?

will it continue do this even when I, toggle back-and-forth from this video to other screens ?

Many thanks

Thanks Mac

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
That makes it a bit easier.

VLC is probably overkill then, maybe MPlayer is a better choice. I think you're going to have an issue toggling back and forth. Maybe, maybe not.

I imagine you can launch either VLC or MPlayer with a command line parameter to force full-screen mode, which could be set from the autorun.inf. ("–fs" might do it for MPlayer, and try "-f" for VLC)

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