Application: httphotos
Category: Graphics & Pictures / Photo Publishing
License: Freeware
Description: httphotos is a gallery software that embeds both HTML and Flash based templates. Select and organize photos, minor touch-up, captions, watermark, ...
Download httphotos Portable 2.7 Development Test 1 [1.10MB download / 1.39MB installed]
(MD5: 82BEF32153657DC25DC439A3B500A614)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2010-01-10): Initial release
And welcome to
Thanks for creating a portable version of httphotos. Seems like a handy app which I look forward to testing.
Can I suggest you add info in your OP to state that the license is freeware and that you are the developer of httphotos. It will avoid other people pointing this out through out the thread.
Good luck with testing Advocate
Thanks for greetings!
Just edited the post to add "License: Freeware" info.
Yes, I'm the developer of httphotos and owner of
Albums are created in PortableApps\httphotosPortable\Data\documents\
Settings are saved in PortableApps\httphotosPortable\Data\appdata\
Just trying to move forward, was wondering if some people had given a test to this app?
With college back on I haven't had the chance to test sorry. Will do when opportunity comes up but wont be soon Advocate
Works in XP SP3 without admin rights. With that said the name doesn't appear correctly in the R34 Mod of the menu. it comes up as "REBOL/View". This could be because I am not using the official menu and if so you don't need to worry about it. Can someone using the official menu check this? Also I noticed that when one chooses to "Preview in Browser" the application opens Internet Explorer even with Firefox set as the default browser. This is a deal breaker
Haven't done a Regshot yet but plan to tonight.
Regshot below. Looks good to me. Advocate
I'm not sure but isn't that key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rebol"? Might be worth opening up regedit to have a look.
horusofoz & prapper,
First, thanks for taking the time to test.
This app is written in Rebol language and .exe is made with Rebol SDK.
That's why the R34 Mod doesn't match, but I didn't try to make it matches as well. Will check it.
Also, I'm surprised it opens IE if Firefox is the default. I've tested again on my end, Firefox being my default btw, and it opens Firefox when I click Preview.
Can you please check again? Make sure which browser is the default?
On second try it does seem to open Firefox now. Not sure what happened but I'd guess human error. My bad Advocate
It's been up for a while, are we thinking this is good to go so we can get this out for the publisher and start promoting it?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Been a long time sitting in beta testing
If it matters, I like it and would like to see a release.
The release team has added this for testing, here are some comments for you: Format validation failed with 2 errors and 4 warnings.
First of all, Thanks for considering including this tool in Portable Apps.
I'm about to provide the portable version of HTTPhotos 2.8.
Wanted to make sure about:
Is this OK?
I'll send a download link tonight.
Here we go:
This is updated with appinfo version 2.0.