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Portable PGP/GPG

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Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-27 08:09
Portable PGP/GPG

Portable PGP/GPG suit could be very useful.
I can install GPG4Win on removable disk, but I can't make it to hold key chains anywhere but the C:\Document and settings\....\PGP_something\ folder.

Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
Hello Group; You can get a

Hello Group;

You can get a working "gpg" and a GUI "GPGshell" to install onto a USB drive. You need to install both on your PC and then download a copy of "Copy2Usb". There is a link to it in the "GPGshell" documentation. This is a utility which copies "GPG/GPGshell" to either a directory or USB.

Works fine I have just installed to my USB drive. i am checking it out now. I have encrypted and signed file useing it. I have not made any new keys but since there is no mention of any thing not working I assume this will work alright.

It makes an "ini" file on the USB drive no registry entries are needed.

Frank D. Hubeny

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