this is the program
there is an app.ini info
file to lunch this program
need to build
exe file that link to xlunch.exe
make an icons for this program
make portable suite and publish it here
thx tal.
For some reason this thread is making me hungry! Now gee, I wonder why that would be...?
Ahaha, that is kinda funny
But Bruce, cut him some slack! The man is from Israel and English is not his native language...
Anyway, tal, lunch means a midday meal, or a main meal. It means having a snack, grabbing a bite, eating...
You wanted to say launch the program and launch.exe.
Sorry we're not of any use, I hope someone who CAN actually HELP shows up here.
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
My comment was tongue-in-cheek, I wasn't trying to make fun of him.
Anyway, I really want to help, but the OP doesn't have enough info for me to even know exactly what's going on. Care to elaborate on what exactly you've done so far, tal?
i didn't notice about the a'
i do understand the different and the meaning of lunch and launch
it make me smile
anyway i didn't understand your question but
my program isn't mine
here is the website of the publisher:
and i make it partial (and not so perfect) portableapps suite
that you will give a try and tell me what you think about this app
here to downland it:
i will publish a new post too
thx tal.
Good to see someone pushing Portable Xming. Lovely program. Really a much needed addition to the suite. I'm afraid I'm useless for help, but I will sit back and cheer you on from the sidelines.
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
here is the link for my creation of Xming portable suite
i hope you love it like i do!
i love the program too.
i am sorry that no one of the site manager want to help me and listen to me.
but it o.k. when the ppl love it and start to write about that, maybe they listen.
i just need to improve the exe file that will launch the program properly
i mean with out annoying black dos window. if some one can help in that
that it will be wonderful.
but still you can enjoy it like that.
thx, tal!