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[SELF PROMOTION] TinyComp - A portable application and files launcher for removable drives

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Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-30 09:45
[SELF PROMOTION] TinyComp - A portable application and files launcher for removable drives

TinyComp is a simple tool to start user defined applications designed to run portable applications and files on a removable

drive without the need to manually explore and browse through the drive. Shortcuts in TinyComp are relative; it can launch

the applications correctly even when the drive letters have changed.

TinyComp also detects the DCIM folder, providing quick access to photos on camera devices. Taking text-based notes and on the

fly editing and running of .bat files also supported.

It can even auto run when removable-drive is plugged into Windows XP. Just activate the "Install on this drive option"

For installation instructions and more, refer to


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 37 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Self-Promotion Prohibited

As stated in the Forum Guidelines, self-promotional posts are prohibited in all areas of this site. The only exception is for open source apps, which this is not. Please do not make posts of this nature again.

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