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Raxco PerfectSpeed

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geekgrrl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-14 14:53
Raxco PerfectSpeed

If you do, strip off the "wizard".

It would be sufficient support for this app would be some screenshots for navigating the feature set.

I Have had Raxco PerfectDisk on my huge Toshiba laptop.

I love this app on my EeePC 900. I would love it even more on a SD and on a portable USB.

AzrealOfSkyrim's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-01-24 15:03
Link plz

A link to the website the software is from would be nice as well a brief description on what it actually does as well as features etc. Can you also note down the licence as well

Remember google is your friend.

AzrealOfSkyrim's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-01-24 15:03
..Don't think its going to happen

Well after searching for the site myself i quickly realised that its software that you have to purchase, somehow i doubt a portable version is going to happen

Remember google is your friend.

geekgrrl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-14 14:53
Is that a problem? Digital

Is that a problem?

Digital media and other software I have purchased is portable.

I did write Raxco support, before I posted here asking for help to make it run from on an SD card, preferably, or from a USB flash drive.

Me, quoted:
"I did want to tell support:
1. I installed PerfectDisk on a SanDisk Cruzer U3 flash drive, using
Package Factory for U3 from
2. I would rather run it off a SD card, for the EeePC 900 however I
haven't purchased a SD card, today, to see if it will run from there.

1. Forget the stupid "wizard" and have an online FAQ page with some
PerfectSpeed first time user navigation "screenshots".
2. Make a SpeedDisk download for SanDisk Cruzer U3 flash drive.
3. Make a SpeedDisk download for SD."

Raxco reply, quote:
"Hello Connie,
Thank you very much for your valuable feedback which has been forwarded
on, and someone will be in contact with you toward this if there is any
available or helpful information to assist you.

We appreciate your business!
Kindest Regards,

Wendy Clontz
Raxco Software
Manager of Customer Service"

I had also said, in full particulars, what I liked and what I didn't like about PerfectDisk and about SpeedDisk.

I see, there was no objection to my putting it on the Sandisk Cruzer U3 USB flash drive. However, I did not do it properly. It installed on the C-drive, from there.

I was reading more about how to make an app portable, when I discovered Portable Apps. Woohoo!

I really like Portable Apps.

The U3 has improvements since my first Sandisk Cruzer flash drive: I have two.

However, Portable Apps is fantastic.

I just want to get my "best stuff" running off it.

Maybe they could "cripple" a portable version, for the Home user, to run on only three machines? One software here has a Home user version, and a Technician version for, like, $69 the Technician version will run on an unlimited number of machines.

I don't recall the price, but that is not the point.

Portable apps, at least one portable app, already has this built-in.

My app request stands. I love my PerfectSpeed app and I would love it better if it were on a SD card or USB flash drive and, I had originally requested at Raxco, if it did the boot time defrag of the boot files and the pagefile, as I put in the entire email I sent Wendy Clontz, Raxco.

Portable Apps has relationships with existing freeware and paid apps.

How about Raxco PerfectSpeed?

That is what I was asking.

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-03 16:07
it is a problem

this site deals with free programs. not payware.

geekgrrl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-14 14:53
I have SIW Portable from

I have SIW Portable from here. It has freeware and paid "Technician" version, if I did want to use it on more than a limited number of computers. It does not save to clipboard either, unless you get the paid version. I didn't do much with it, so I haven't seen what else may be unavailable, except I get the paid version.

I used "Search". I see SIW was a request.

I do not see how my request should be excluded.

I would especially like to see a Raxco PerfectSpeed Portable App freeware, for a limited number of computers, and paid for unlimited use. But I do not make such arrangements for Portable Apps.

In the alternate, instead, maybe they would go for having the paid version have the boottime defrag. That would be welcome, everything else free except the boottime defrag. If you want that, then, get the paid version.

I have requested Raxco PerfectSpeed.

I have provided a contact name and email.

AzrealOfSkyrim's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-01-24 15:03
Sorry it just not going to happen

This site only does open source and freeware applications and perfect speed is neither of those, the reason why SIW was included was that the free version was under a freeware license.

Remember google is your friend.

geekgrrl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-14 14:53
Well, it seems that Raxco was

Well, it seems that Raxco was responsive.

The small netbooks are not going to run the bigger product Perfect Disk.

The small netbooks run SpeedDisk.

Raxco, or Portable Apps with permission, could strip out the running in the background feature, as well as, the redundant Wizard feature. Running the the background is bad for a SSD "hard drive" anyway. That, and with no "bootime" defragmentation, the Portable Apps version could be freeware.

Then, if people want "boottime" defragmentation, they could get the "boottime" defragmentation.

Then, if a netbook with a conventional hard drive is purchased or a bigger resources laptop is purchased, all these new users could purchase the full product to run on their big fat hard drive.

It seems likely, if Raxco would work with Portable Apps.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-13 18:10
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience with Raxco.

I'm also sorry to hear that your netbook is so weak that it can't even run defrag. The good news is that your little SSD should never be defragged.

I hope Portable Apps doesn't start working with those clowns. *

AzrealOfSkyrim's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-01-24 15:03
But why?

Then even if they created a freeware version with those features striped off then how would it be better than just using the JkDefrag that we already have in the PA suite?

Remember google is your friend.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2013-02-11 18:26
Free version

Raxco has released a freeware version of their suite. Stripped down of features but still works very well. A portable version would be nice to have. You can get it here:

Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-12-02 15:30
One of the more negative

One of the more negative comments suggest that it installs a service, which would most likely prevent it being a candidate for a portable app.

If at first you do not succeed, use more sticky tape.

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