Application: ezQuake
Category: Games
License: GNU GPL
Language: English
Description: Combining the features of all modern QuakeWorld clients, ezQuake makes QuakeWorld easier to start and play. The immortal first person shooter Quake in a brand new skin with superb graphics and extremely fast gameplay.
Download ezQuake Portable 2.1 Dev Test 1 [20+18MB download / 38MB installed]
(MD5: f2c58afa9e48322ec585b6bcfb5ff336)
Online Installer: This is an online installer that will download additional files during setup.
Release Notes:
2.1 Dev Test 1 (2011-11-15):
- ezQuake updated to 2.1.
- Converted to PAL 2.1.2.
- Clean install required.
2.0.1 Dev Test 1 (2010-04-22):
- ezQuake updated to 2.0.1.
- Saved gamed weren't moving. Fixed.
- Changed the way to select between "ezquake.exe" and "ezquake-gl.exe". See the help/readme.
- Improved path/drive switching code.
- Improved firewall code.
Backup/restore added on DirectDraw registry key. If you want to manually remove this key (left behind with 2.0 DT1) first, it is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\MostRecentApplication - Added SecondaryLaunch/cleanup check.
- Removed app directory, program executable and settings directory INI options.
- Clean install required.
2.0 Dev Test 1 (2010-02-25): Initial release
ezQuake Portable starts the OpenGL version by default.
Known Issues:
The second episode of Mission Pack 2 (Rogue) will crash ezQuake :-(
Tested with:
XP Home SP3 (Admin)
All is good
Only question is whether the firewall entry is or can be be cleaned up on close?
I hope the release team have a look at this and the other good games in the development test forum. I think if we can improve the official gaming offerings it will attract even more first time users who will then move onto the platform. Oh and will encourage open source gaming.
As always, top job;) Advocate
Yeah, firewall entry is removed on exit. Or it should be. Was it not?
Thanks. And thanks for testing
EDIT: Auto firewall feature is admin only though.
I checked and the firewall entry was not removed. I also noticed that the WinSCP Portable entry wasn't removed and considering it's an official app maintained by John T. Haller I'm not sure whether the current setup includes firewall cleaning. Anyone know? Advocate
But could you check a couple of things?
Sorry for the obvious question but, you are using "Other\Source\ezQuakePortable.ini" in the root directory to enable the feature?
Also, you have to close then re-open the firewall control panel to check as it doesn't refresh itself...
Still not happening?
EDIT: I can't speak for WinSCP as this is a "custom" feature!
You shouldn't feel it's an obvious question otherwise I'm twice the fool
I wasn't using it. I guess I need to start looking at the those extra options INIs as I've made the same mistake in the past.
Anyway working as you'd expect. It's there during the game and removed on close. Advocate
Sorry, no offence intended!
I'm glad it's working.
(I only know two smileys).
Link appears to be broken?
Link is broken. Advocate
See release notes for changes.
Just want to say thanks for this. I've been playing this on and off for a couple weeks now and have to say I'm impressed. I never played the original Quake but am almost thankful I didn't otherwise I would have lost way too much time to this killer game.
Thanks Advocate
Yes, I know that feeling well
You're welcome.
Please Update to Version 2.2.