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Open Office Portable Apps do not launch in Portable Apps Suite 1.6

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Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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Open Office Portable Apps do not launch in Portable Apps Suite 1.6

Have installed MojoPac and Portable Apps 1.6 on a 16GB USB thumb drive and use it on a Windows XP Pro machine.
MojoPac launches fine and Portable Apps Suite launches OK. I can launch all portable apps in Portable Apps suite except all Open Office Portable programmes. These programmes will also not launch from their icons in the Open Office Portable directory in Program Files on the USB thumb drive.
I have deactivated my firewall to no avail and reinstalled the Portable Apps Suite without solving the problem.
I am considering uninstalling the Portable Apps Suite 1.6 and installing Open Office Portable Suite by itself.
Before I do this has anyone any ideas as to the cause of my Problem?


MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
Are You able to start it from the host ...

... directly as host user without MoJoPack from USB-Stick?

Please keep in mind that You have to install the Suite in the root of Your USB-Drive
for example X:\PortableApps in order to prevent problems with log paths for Portable. So it is not a good idea to install in the mojopack Program files folder.

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Are you running it directly, or within Mojopac? Mojopac kinda duplicates the functionality of our launchers in this specific instance (but will only run in admin mode), so it is not needed to use the Suite. As Marko mentioned, installing OO.o Portable into Mojopac's Program Files directory will probably fail.

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Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-05 04:09
PortableApps within MojoPac

Thank you for your comment John.
You are right, but moving PortableApps to the thumb drive root direct also does not allow me to launch OpenOffice programmes within Mojo Pac. I will try Marco's suggestion and install the full version of Open Office and see if it will launch within MojoPac.


Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-05 04:09
Open Office within MojoPac

Open Office Portable & Open Office 3.2 full version will both launch OK when accessed on the thumb drive from the host computer (ie:outside the MojoPac environment. However neither Open Office Portable or the full version will launch from within MojoPac. This is true whether they are installed on the root directory or Program Files directory of the thumb drive (ie: within the Windows XP environment of MojoPac).
It is a pity as I use Open office at home and in the office and the MojoPac virtual machine with my desktop and settings was an attractive alternative to carrying my laptop around and constantly having to sync my work files.
Perhaps I should try Microsoft Office in the MojoPac environment and see if it works!
Again, many thanks for your valuable comment.


Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-05 04:09
Open Office within MojoPac

I have uninstalled Open office 3.2 full version from the programs directory of windows XP virtual machine (within MojoPac)and Installed the earlier version of Open Office 2.2 instead in the programs directory of windows XP virtual machine (within MojoPac). I also removed the Open Office Portable files from the Portable Apps Suite.
Portable Apps works fine and so does Open Office 2.2, therefore problem solved.
From all this it would appear that there are some issues with Open Office 3.2 and MojoPac that are not evident in the earlier open office 2.2....

I hope this is of help to anyone having similar problems!


MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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This is no solution, don't do it ...

... cause You are using now an old version with a lot of issues an security problems.

Try to install MS Visual Studio Runtime in Mojopack and try to install version 3.2 again.

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Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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me too !!!

Openoffice, Abiword and Cornice fail to launch. This situation looks pretty similar to yours.
After I click icon, the following applications were launched in the background successively.

1, OpenOfficePortable.exe
2, soffice.exe
3, soffice.exe -env:OOO_CWD=2J:\\PortableApps\\OpenOfficePortable (launched by soffice.bin)
4, crashrep.exe -p 940 -excp 0x014AF53C -t 1672 –noui

And then these application terminate, nothing happen in the foreground.

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
Please read the answers!

Did You install/run it within MojoPac?
If You want to use or the other Apps in (!) MojoPac, please install the standard version or use Portable without MojoPac on Your USB device.

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Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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I didn't install the MojoPac (at least in my opinion), because I've never heard of MojoPac before I googled it just now.

I just downloaded the Suite Standard, installed in my flash driver and run. Then I found Openoffice didn't work. So I felt ok, let's try AbiWord Portable, but it didn't run either.

Maybe I should format my flash driver. Re-installing them may do the job, I think.

By the way, my machine should have nothing special, except it runs winXP Chinese version.

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
Ok. I believe You've MojoPack installed because You've replied..

... to a post of a MojoPack user.

The path of You Portable installation should works as it is the default path for PortableApps.

Format the flash drive - if possible - is everytime a good idea Wink ?

Please report if this will solve Your problem.

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Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-08 05:52
Problem partially solved.

After I formated my driver, and re-installed these applications, Openoffice and Abiword worked. But Cornice still failed to lanuch, I have to use XnView substitutionally. Anyway thank you guys for the help.

(Maybe my driver had some bad sectors, because I indeed found some File Index Errors before formating by using chkdsk. But it still could not explain why Cornice didn't work. )

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-05 04:09
PortableApps within MojoPac

Thank you for your comment MarkoMLM.
I have uninstalled PortableApps & reinstalled in the root directory of my thumb drive. Results are the same, all PortableApps programmes launch OK except OpenOffice applications. I do run them from within MojoPac. However I can launch OpenOffice programmes from the host computer ie. outside MojoPac. I shall now try your advise and install the standard version of OpenOffice on my thumb drive to be run within MojoPac. Hope this works. Many thanks for your comment, I will advise on the outcome.


MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08
You're welcome ...

... thank You for Your feedback!

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