Program: Connectify
License: ?(I don't know...)
Description: Turn Your Windows 7 Computer Into a WiFi Router In 5 Minutes, Free & No Hardware
Please make it portable(if it really)
This very lite and needless program.
First: it requires administrative rights
Second: it most likely requires access to compatable wireless driver which brings us back to #1
third: Most likely requires Registry keys
i doubt it will be possible but then agian i could be wrong.
Also i dont see the neccisery or legal use of this. if you are in a school library using this and you get cought i could forsee some harsh reprucussions. Also you can set up most wifi capable computers to be AdHoc.
I had a look at the advertising video, some reasons are given for it, as one can have some access to paid network and this is only for one particular machine. So one can chain more machines via this one machine.
On properly maintained company network, well this would be other matter, mac filtering might probably take place and then the whole game is over anyway.
So the range of use for this might be somehow limited to some special cases of wi-fi access points.
As I have so far no access to w7, I don't know what kind of features does this software call up from it. Since for w7 only, it will probably just use some of the internal features or drivers or what ever build in w7 anyway.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Almost all of the computers i own have Vista and XP on them. very few computers out in the public have 7 yet. so i see little point to having a portable program that has a requirment that cannot be commonly found.
PASS: fonnyl2011!#$