I'm a newbie in NSIS developement and I've few problems with registry.
I need to convert the following string "$EXEDIR\App\Chainer\VstPlugins" to hex values for import in the registry like that :
WriteRegBin HKCU "Software\Xlutop\Chainer\1.0" "VstPaths" xxxxxxxx
where xxxxxxxx must be replaced by the hex value of "$EXEDIR\App\Chainer\VstPlugins".
I've found the registry function ${registry::StrToHex} but I have no idea how to use it.
Here's my code :
${registry::StrToHex} "$EXEDIR\App\Chainer\VstPlugins" $var
Thanks you
You need to include the registry plug-in first:
Have a look in the 'Other\Source\' folders of some of the portable apps from this site. To have some examples.
Like 7-ZipPortable for dealing with the registry.
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Thank you for help me!
I've tried to use my source with your code but I've still an error while compiling. Here's my code :
..and the error
I have looked for 7zip portable source but it's a bit difficult for a newbie like me to understand all fucntions.
$0 - $9 & $R0 - $R9 are predeclared variables.
If there is any need to declare an additional one, use the following before starting a function/section:
And read the NSIS usermanual 'NSIS\NSIS.chm', you should be able to come a long way by trail & error !!!
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32
Thank you again Gringoloco!
This is working now.
I've also used the code in another post of you "Registry Keys in Vista & Windows 7" to resolve some other problems.