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Spider Player

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Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-28 20:51
Spider Player

I'm new here, so I might have this in the wrong forum.

I have searched the forums for any topics relating to the Spider Player music player. I found one topic that mentioned it, but it was a "What programs do you have" topic. They already make a portable version of their program for download. The feature I like in this program is to be able to listen to ShoutCast and IceCast. I have searched the forums for any programs related to ShoutCast and IceCast and have found most programs to require the user to find a URL and paste it in the program in order to listen to it. Spider Player searches for and finds all of the radio stations when you pick a genre. I have not yet found any program here that does that. The reason I post is that when you use Spider Player you can only record for no more than 5 minutes unless you have the Pro version. The Pro version cost $20 for a Name and Key. I have found many programs here that do most of what Spider Player can do without limit. By limit I mean Spider Player doesn't let you convert audio files without have bought the Pro version. I have found a program here that does. I'm just looking for a portable program that has can find all of the ShoutCast and IceCast radio stations without having to specify any one URL and let me record from it.

I'm sorry, that was a lot to type out.


J Neutron
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
Couple of options

For listening or recording purposes, ScreamerPortable is a decent choice. Has some very nice features that aren't found elsewhere. As you can see in the discussion, the default stations list is outdated, but the program works very well, and doesn't have any stupid 5 minute limit.

I also like XMPlay for listening but it isn't quite as friendly for recording. It is called "write to disk" in their terminology and isn't intuitive like having a red "RECORD" button.

If you go to Shoutcast or Icecast yourself, pick a station and just click on the pls file download icon. You'll get a file you can just drop into almost any player and it will hook into the stream with no problems. Save that station into the player and from then on, it will always be available.

Something to keep in mind is that you want to search for stations that stream in mp3 format if you are interested in having artist and song title available. Other formats don't always provide that info embedded in the stream. I don't bother if the that data isn't available, honestly.

neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-28 20:51
Thank You

Thank you so much. ScreamerPortable looks like exactly what I was looking for with the dropdown list of all the radio stations available. I like the menu record button for ScreamerPortable better than I do the XMPlay record function.



J Neutron
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
You're welcome

You'll find that the built-in list of stations is waaaaay out of date, but it is a start.

Favorites are easy to save, and after a short time I used only the favorites list.

neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

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