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Wallpaper Swapper

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-22 22:21
Wallpaper Swapper

I have Wallpaper Swapper working some of the time. I have it setup and it works sometimes and if I remove a program from Portable Apps it will work. What would be the reason for this to work some of the time on a Dell Inspiron E1705 laptop with WinXP but it works all the time on my AMD desktop computer with WinXP? Also sometimes I can not get the PortableApps to shut down, it keeps saying that it is still being used when I have everything closed. I did a search on this but didn't find anything about this situation..Thanks

Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-22 22:21
Wallpaper Swapper

It is hard to fix something when nothing is wrong. If your wallpaper swapper is not changing the wallpaper make sure that you are not hiding the desktop icons. You have to be showing your desktop icons for it to change. I am using WinXP so I don't know about the other operating systems..Cheers

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