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Problems with 3.0.2

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Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-24 10:44
Problems with 3.0.2


Thanks for the updated version, but there are still some issues with it, mostly relating to Preview in my limited testing.

It appears you are now auto-expanding the Destination folder, but NOT the Source folder. I know I can double-click it, but seeing as that is what EVERY user would end up doing, it really seems to make more sense for the program to do it automatically (as it does with Destination!).

Some strange behavior. Follow the steps below:

- Set up two test folders - 3 files in source folder, none in destination folder
- Load Toucan
- Click Sync tab
- Select Source and Destination folders
- Click Modified Time
- Click Mirror
- Click Preview
- Neither folder is expanded
- Double click Source folder and it shows the 3 files
- Double click the Destination folder and it shows nothing - it should indicate the missing 3 files as it does after clicking Preview a second time (see line below).
- Click Preview again
- Destination folder is auto expanded, Source is not
- Destination now shows the three files to be copied
- Double click Source folder and it shows the 3 files
- So, it is necessary to click Preview twice for the correct information to be displayed in this situation
- Click Run
- 3 files are copied from Source to Destination as expected
- Destination folder is auto expanded, Source is not
- Delete one file from SOURCE folder
- Click Preview
- Destination folder is auto expanded, Source is not
- Double click Source folder and it shows the 2 files
- Destination still shows 3 files with no color coding
- Clicking Preview again this time does not change anything, still no color coding on Destination but 2 files in Source and 3 files in Destination
- Click Run
- File is correctly removed from the Destination
- Create a new file in DESTINATION folder
- Click Preview
- Destination folder is auto expanded, Source is not
- Double click Source folder and it shows the 2 files
- Destination shows 3 files (including the new file) with no color coding
- Clicking Preview again this time does not change anything, still no color coding on Destination but 2 files in Source and 3 files in Destination
- Click Run
- File is correctly removed from the Destination
- Create a new file in SOURCE folder
- Click Preview
- Destination folder is auto expanded, Source is not
- Double click Source folder and it correctly shows the 3 files
- Destination now shows 3 files with correct color coding.
- Click Run
- File is correctly copied form Source to Destination
- Destination folder is auto expanded, Source is not

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-24 10:44
Any updates?


Did my message above help at all? Any ideas when you might have an updated version to try?



Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

it did indeed, sorry for the lack of updates, been a rather busy week, I hope to have a new version out tomorrow or Monday for testing Smile

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

now Smile Should fix everything on your list I hope!

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-24 10:44

...but how do I get it? Smile

Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-06 11:01
You could go here..
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-24 10:44
Thanks! Almost there!

Most of the issues I experienced seem to have been resolved, folders are being auto-expanded and (most of the time) preview information is accurate.

It still seems that the first time I click on Preview after loading Toucan it doesn't work, I still need to click it twice to see the correct information:

- Set up two test folders - 3 files in source folder, none in destination folder
- Load Toucan
- Click Sync tab
- Select Source and Destination folders
- Click Modified Time
- Click Mirror
- Click Preview
- Source shows the 3 files
- Destination shows nothing - it should indicate the missing 3 files as it does after clicking Preview a second time (see line below).
- Click Preview again
- Now Destination folder shows the three files to be copied
- So, it is necessary to click Preview twice for the correct information to be displayed in this situation
- Click Run
- 3 files are copied from Source to Destination as expected

And one more New Feature suggestion! Is there anyway you could include a brief description of the color codes on the Sync page? For example, the information from the help file shown below would be useful tome if it was shown on the Sync page, cuz I can never remember what color means what!

Colour Meaning
Black The original file
Red The folder will only exists if it contain sub-file /
sub-folders after the sync
Grey The file will be deleted
Blue The file / folder will be added
Green The file will be overwritten

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

can't reproduce the fact that you need to click twice Sad Does anyone else see this? As for colour codes if you hover over an item then it will tell you what it means Smile

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-24 10:44

It happens for me the first time after loading Toucan, but it ONLY appears to happen if the Destination is empty and the Source has some files!

Not a show-stopper by any means!

Thanks for the note about the tool-tip as well. I am sure it is in the help somewhere, just never knew about it!

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