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[Dead] Seizure Dome Portable Development Test 1

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Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
[Dead] Seizure Dome Portable Development Test 1

Dead: Development on this portable app has ended.

Application: Seizure Dome
Category: Games
Description: Seizure Dome is a fun, addictive game where you are this one dude in the middle with a gun and you gotta shoot down all these guys that try to push you into the edge of the screen (you die if you touch it). Its an awesome game, and I saw it in the request apps forums a long time ago... why not?

My high score is 33500. Think you can beat it?
Download Seizure Dome Portable Development Test 1
700 KB Download, 6.9 MB Installed
MD5: 592439A8BD5E78E262F35C0677828C79

Release Notes
July 14, 2010: Initial Release

Other Notes
WARNING! This game does contain some nudity, though it is very 8-bit and not graphic by any stretch of the imagination. Also, please exercise your personal discretion as to whether your health permits playing this game; the name is not to be taken lightly at all. If you suffer from headaches, nausea or photosensitive seizures while playing any other game you will likely want to avoid this one.


Last seen: 1 hour 11 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Great game

Regshot seems ok (XP SP3 w/admin rights), no new entries found on my machine except some prefetch and audiosettings.

Launcher and installer appear to work, well done (again ;).

The game crashed once after I got squashed (way to fast, think I need some practice), but I think I can blame my firewall for that. Screen resizing is not done very neatly since open applications are resized and my PA menu is found in the middle of the screen afterwards. Obviously a problem of seizure dome, doesn't matter to me.


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