Hello, everybody,
PNotes 6.5 is available here:
New features:
- Support for pictures and smilies
To add smilie: right click on edit area-->Insert---->Insert smilie
To add picture: either right click edit area-->Insert-->Insert picture, or copy/paste picture, or drag-&-drop picture file from Windows explorer, or drag-&-drop from browser (works only with IE and Firefox, not with Chrome, don't know why)
See screenshot: http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/6671/picsf.jpg - Special group of notes - "Diary", allowing to maintain diary-like set of notes (horstepp2)
To add/show today's "page": system tray menu-->Diary-->Today
To configure date formats, colors, fonts etc: Preferences-->Diary - Ability to define custom tags and assign them to notes for futher searching and sorting (horstepp2)
To define custom tags: Preferences-->Misc-->Predefined tags
To assign tags to note: right click on note-->Tags
To search by: system tray menu-->Search-->Search By Tags
Tags are case insensitive, i.e. "TAG" is equal to "tag". Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed - New command line switches -c (create new note), -cr (create new note from clipboard), -cd (create or show today diary page) (eran)
- Option to search simultaneously in notes' bodies and titles (horstepp2)
- Customizable groups icons (wolfeden3)
- Option to change bullets indent
- Option to change edit area margins
- Wrappable text in preview window of Control Panel
- Option to set sound alarm to infinite loop
- Added years and months to "Repeat Every:" schedule type (tullio99)
- Option to reload all notes (tullio99)
- Ctrl+A on Control Panel will now select all notes
- Option to switch between Hide All/Show All added to double click on system tray icon
- Standard format accelerators (Ctrl+B - bold, Ctrl+I - italic, Ctrl+L - left align, Ctrl+E - center align, Ctrl+R - right align, Ctrl+U - underline, Ctrl+K - strike-through)
- Added system tray baloon with greeting when program starts for the very first time
- Changed look-n-feel of Preferences dialog
- Translation for "About" dialog
- Fixed bugs:
- The default note's name for saving was the first line of text in whole. Now restricted to specified number of characters.
- Improper formatting for date when hours and minutes are at the beginning of format string (Christopher Freel)
- Control Panel and Preferences windows were not restored after menu click or hot key if they were minimized (sw963)
- Incorrect search in hidden notes (horstepp2)
Beta 2 is available, link updated.
Fixed bugs:
1. Deleted favorites notes continue to appear if "Show All Favorites" is called by hotkey (horstepp2)
2. Right click on "Diary" group at Control Panel does not disable some toolbar buttons/menu items. Pressing these buttons while "Diary" group is selected may result in program crash/improper work (Yasuo Suzuki)
So is this the official beta or is this a portable apps version?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
official beta from lamer, he writes the original. I usally turn it into a PAF compliant app. You can test the new beta with the old launcher, there's nothing that's changed.
Just copy the contents of the zip into pnotesportable\app\pnotes
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I kind of knew who lamer is I was just wondering if this was PAF formatted that was all. Sorry if I offended anyone. Was not my intention
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Beta 3 is available, link updated.
Fixed bugs:
1. Schedules from version 6.0 are gone while upgrading to 6.5 because of improper structure alignment (Tsprajna)
Beta 4 is available, link updated.
Fixed bugs:
1. Columns on Control Panel don't save their width (Tsprajna)
2. Incorrect search in hidden notes (horstepp2)
Beta 5 (and last, I hope) is available, link updated
Disabled "Rename" menu item for newly created notes (horstepp2)
RC is ready.
Nothing changed, just according to tradition.
PNotes 6.5 has been just released.
Oliver, sic!
Perfect timing, as usual
School starts monday 
I'll crank this out over the weekend.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Some antivirus scanners (Kaspersky, Avira) report that groups.images and smilies.images files in program folder are infected by worm. It's false positive, but to be on the safe side I recompiled both files and uploaded updated package. There are no detects now.