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Chandler (Open-Source Calendar)

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Rob Loach
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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 17:29
Chandler (Open-Source Calendar)

"Chandler is an interpersonal information manager that adapts to your changing needs."

Considering the lack of "good" portable calendar applications out there that syncronize with external calendar solutions like Google or Outlook, I think the implmentation of a Portable Chandler would be a good way to go.

The calendar system situation right now is at an odd place because there are just so many different solutions you could use and they all don't really syncronize nicely between one another. Google and Apple have made huge progress with the iCal standard, but those are the only two that really come to mind. Since Chandler is an open-source, cross-platform, solution, it should, in time, harness all different solutions around (including syncronizing with different iCal accounts).

Chandler is an excellent open-source calendar solution which has major potential to help out in the calendar swamp.